Need assistance with my weight



  • maryroset1
    maryroset1 Member Posts: 240
    I am loving the tea idea ladies. It will be great at work and i do love the T2 teas and very warming as its been quite cold at work lately. Having a cup or two of tea is much better than reaching for a chocolate bar. So thanks for the fabulous idea. Getting a nice teapot and teacup makes it even more special.
  • Cyclo
    Cyclo Member Posts: 56
    Hi @maryroset1  I think the best way to get back on track is to start small so it's manageable and achievable .  Try a short walk around the block and build on that in small increases daily or even weekly, as I find that  motivation  increases if you achieve a goal no matter how small. I started that way 30 years ago and now love to exercise 6 days per week. It was a bit hard during treatment but now a few months down the track I'm doing a bit more each day and getting stronger.  I do love my food especially chocolate that I don't fancy giving up. I'm  just trialling the FODMAP way of eating as well as cutting out bread pasta and rice and while I'm not losing much weight the stomach swelling has reduced a lot. Good luck . 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Oh ...I'm so going to try the tea idea.
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    I have success with the 5:2 diet. You limit your calories to 600 for 2 days (not consecutive) and then you eat what you want for the other 5days.Strangely enough,you don't pig out. I think it teaches your body what hunger really feels like.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I went for a 10km walk and lost 2kg afterwards but I wouldnt advise it as i paid dearly in blisters and aching bones and long naps for days afterwards. A nice 3km walk once a day is good though and even my almost 16yr old dog can still muster up for that one. I usually drink more water and eat fruit like a passionfruit or an orange for snacking and some almonds (just plain ones) but my weakness is gingernut biscuits which although they help my digestion, they don't do my hips any favours.
  • maryroset1
    maryroset1 Member Posts: 240
    Thanks for the idea but because of my knee i plan several smaller walks rather than a real big long one. I used to powerwalk for 6kms a day so hope to be able to get back there again one day. But for now i need to start slow. I hope i can put my plan into action snd stick with it. I have set myself a long term goal and if i get there there is a nice holiday planned next winter. 
  • maryroset1
    maryroset1 Member Posts: 240
    In saying that life is too short and will probably go on holiday anyway. But would love to be proud of my body and be able to treat myself to a new wardrobe beforehand because i have lost weight!
    As things stand at the moment i will be getting a new summer wardrobe because nothing will fit from last year!!
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Heard something interesting yesterday - met a lady who walks every morning at 630am - she says if she does it any other time something always comes up and prevents it from happening - and have found the latter to be true .Also read the other day that hunger is often a miscue for being thirsty so that tea idea maybe a good one - I know when I eat properly I do drink a lot more.
  • maryroset1
    maryroset1 Member Posts: 240
    Yes was thinking of a morning walk but i already get up extra early (have to do lymphodema massage first thing) and at work quite early. I am going teapot shopping today! T2 have some great teas so looking forward to giving that idea a shot.