Night time bra?



  • Bravo
    Bravo Member Posts: 66
    I looked in Target, but they definitely didn't have anything like these. I was a late convert to underwire bras and now I can't imagine being without them. Nobody has told me why I shouldn't wear them, just that I shouldn't. Walking around with a monoboob spread across my chest is very unflattering. I want lift and separate!
  • Bravo
    Bravo Member Posts: 66
    I'm a D cup and a C1/2 cup.
  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    Gotta plug Berlei  :) They provide the bras in our My Care Kit. They've got two post-surgery bras and wirefree bras.
  • Bravo
    Bravo Member Posts: 66
    That berlei bra might do the job, but the same could be said for chastity belts. So, so, so, uncomfortable!!
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey @Bravo, OK so I was told underwire bras for me were no go due to having an implant and the underwire apparently increasing the risk of encapsulation. I like my implant and want to keep it as is.  I was an underwire addict and so have looked for bras that lift and seperate as well.  The best I have found for this (nothing against Berlei as they are fantastic) is the memory foam bras that target have.  I am a c cup real boob,  d cup foob but this bra is perfect and not a mono.  $15 and I wear it for work.  Nothing sexy about it but pure functional comfort. Too good
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Re underwires @socoda   ..I checked on this and encapsulation and there is no research that causes this (confirmed also by my bc nurse ).. it's caused by infection not bras...but the myth continues. I'd imagine no wire for lumpectomy.... dependent on the location of the tumour and if pressure. ..that would be all. I couldn't consider wired bras initially after reconstruction due to matrix sling and scar along bra line. ..but 12 months on no issues. Radiotherapy maybe not so good whilst healing though. 
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Thanks @Primek. I unfortunately have gotten rid of all of my beautiful underwires as it was my surgeon who advised me and I listened :'( but all good. In fact all it means is that I now have to go shopping again. He he he. Xx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    @socoda It turns out I am a 14dd now and I didn't see a cup size above a D in those lovely ones you bought. I can sometimes where a size up and cup down but not as good of fit. 
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Awwwww @primek thats a bugger!!! Have I told you about Red Fern Lingerie? Made for BC survivors by a BC survivor. Not quite as plunging as the target bras and certainly a bit more expensive but lovely colours and styles.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    @socoda I'm a cheapskate lol. ..especially since I don't actually need support,  just some shaping.
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    I really miss my underwire bras. Being only small they gave me a bit of needed oomph!  But considering my implant is fixed it place I can't really push up my boobs anymore. I took the wire out of a couple of my favourites so I can still use them. I found the most comfy bra is from K-Mart. Just a home brand I think but nice wide band at the bottom and soft cups with a low plunge. Only $10.  Basic colours, white, black and beige but good for work x
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    @primek bwahahahaha me too thats why that target one is sooooo good. Will keep my eyes open and if I see anything like them in your size I'll let you know ;)   @Hopes_and_Dreams they sound great and gotta say you smartie I certainly didn't think about removing my underwire from the bra :s I gave all of my lovely bras to my sister (mind you I don't mind her having them cause they were so lovely. Xx
  • sandramj
    sandramj Member Posts: 253
    I'm hoping to go back to my normal el cheapo no fill underwire bras soon. Does anyone know any reason why I shouldn't as I've had a lumpectomy no where near any wiring.  Guess I could ask surgeon but HE doesn't know about the feel of wearing a bra. Lol.