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Hi, I have been on letrazole for 9 mths after being diagnsosed with metastises in my bones. So far it is working well, my tumour markers have gone from 365 to 32. I am wondering about fractures and what other people have experienced, also other side affects. I am getting full on hot flushes again, preceded by that horrible feeling of dread.. My way of coping with them in the past and now is to wear a shawl, that you can fling on and off quickly, (I always find I get cold afterwards, even if its 35 degress), spray bottles are wonderful..cheers:)


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I have been reading other people's comments about hormonal treatment. I've been on Femara for nearly 4 years and apart from the predicted impact on bone density, I don't seem to have had any noticeable side effects. Mercifully my bone density was very good to begin with and my oncologist thinks I'll get through 5 years without too much damage (will worry about 10 years if and when that happens). I have had a couple of bad falls in that time ( just a  slippery footpath and a stupid stumble) but no fractures at all. I do get thatnfeeling of dread in the pit of the stomach sometimes but that's the only symptom of a very occasional tachycardia attack ( I got an arrhythmia after surgery and chemo). The variety of experiences is staggeringly large!
  • Scooper
    Scooper Member Posts: 113
    Hello! I have been on demarcation now for 12 months! I suffer from hot flushes although not today as its freezing in Melbourne once again! I wear layers so I can just strip off when I need to! I suffer from bone pain but have just started taking one nuromol in the am and pm which has worked wonders for me! Hopefully it's working for me! Hopefully it's working for everyone else also! Warmest wishes to all
    Sandra xx
  • Scooper
    Scooper Member Posts: 113
    That's meant to say femara! Spellcheck
  • Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 813
    Hi, I have been on Femara for just over 5 years now, and my oncologist is thinking 10 years if my bones do not deteriorate too much. I was already osteopenic prior to starting, and have it monitored each year. So far so good. I take calcium and Vit D and Vit K2 to help with the bones, and walk and go to the gym for bone strengthening exercises.

    I use to get terrible bone and joint pain, and felt like a little old lady every time I stood up or moved around after being still for a while. I had trigger fingers as well, as it seems to affect my tendons too. I now take fish oil,  and larger doses of this in the earlier days started to help with these stiff and painful joints. All this pain has now gone, and did go about a year after commencing the femara. I only take one fish oil daily and I am good now. The personal training sessions have made me stronger and slimmer than ever before. I can chase my grandsons around the yard and keep up with them and kneel down and get up easily now.

    The hot flushes were awful. I had these for 4 years before menopause and cancer, and at their worst they were coming at 7 to 8 minute intervals, and were like internal volcanic eruptions. I had 3 glorious months on HRT, until they found breast cancer, so it was back to the dreaded hot flushes. They have nearly stopped, and are certainly mild by comparison now, so I am happier. I use to use a wheat bag, cooled in the freezer to wrap around my neck at night. The other thing that I was doing at the time of the major reduction of my hotflushes, was to drastically reduce my sugar intake. My personal trainer kept suggesting I try this as I was a big sugar addict, (I loved lollies, chocolates, ice cream, biscuits, pastries, cakes etc). I kept finding excuses to not do this and didn't try it for months, until one day I decided that I would give it a go. It was a last option after everything else including Acupunture failed. It has worked a treat. It took a few weeks, but the difference is staggering. I have been doing this for over a year now, and have my set backs, but the return of the hotflushes usually puts me back on tract pretty quickly. A by product of this, is that I have also lost about 9 kgs. 

    I hope the stiffness and joint pain and hot flushes disappear soon.

    Chris xx
  • slyon
    slyon Member Posts: 3
    chris, thanks so much for sharing  your Femara, plus all the different things that have worked for you, which sound really positive. You remind me to be more diligent with fish oil. I have not heard of Vit.K for the bones, I will look into it.
    Might I ask do you have primary breast cancer, and if so are they putting people on it for 10 years now? I have never been told much about length of time or osteoporosis for secondary breast cancer, (thats me) just vague mentions of fractures, for which I am on denosobam monthly (not sure if spelt right). 
    And it also sounds like you are managing to keep osteoporsis at bay, which is fantastic. You are an inspiration, thank you so much for your lovely post.
    suzi xxx
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    @slyon, I have been on Arimidex since April, I suffer the usual hot flushes, some days one after the other, then other times & can go 2-3 weeks & not one, I am familiar with some things that will trigger a hf, I dress in easy layers, & I am very like the ad you hear on radio re menopause... cardy on cardy off...... I am also taking Catrate with Vit D every day & having Denosumab injections monthly for my bones.

    I feel very lucky in that I do not feel I suffer immensely from side effects, I worked full time thru chemo & continued to remain active at parkrun each week both things I still do.

    My tm went from 553 to 33 at last blood test. Hoping to remain stable for some time to come by maintaining a healthy (mostly organic) diet & being active. I am registered for City2Sea on 20/11 & looking forward to it...

    I am woman... hear me ROAR!!!!