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3rd time - not so lucky .....



  • ElaineG
    ElaineG Dragonfly Posts: 60
    Dear Sheryl and other ladies 
    I could only begin to imagine the terror, fear, shock etc of discovering it after your mum and earlier Diagnosis.
    i won't repeat my long hx (diagnosed upfront feb this yr - well 1 wk after st 2)....bc I've done Lo g post under Karen's 'cancer is part of me'
    a brilliant bk I'm reading is 'the reality slap' - dr Russ Harris - very pragmatic about 'acceptance' - witihout sounding glib it does help with processing our situation (despite us all being diff ages, treatment regimes etc)
    like you Sheryl, my children are relatively young - 10 & 8, son is now 11 & daughter 9  - AND I'm single....
    thats been hard in evenings - questioning everything including "plans".....
    but the children know & ustand that the focus is on living WITH cancer...
    still WIP
    its riddled thru all my bones so am trying to keep up exercise which helps - defiance if nothing else!
    oh and I did go skiing in Aug - it was like 'God - you may give me cancer - but I can still ski (if took me a wk+ to recover!
    So in the scheme of things I'm going ok apart from feeling lethargic & overwhelmed with fatigue on some days.
    i absolutely love reading all the posts and to connect.

    best wishes, Elaine 
  • Share
    Share Member Posts: 217
    Hey @ElaineG  - interesting that I have responded on your recent post headed "how long" and getting an answer - when I came across your response re: my discussion. Yep, remaining active and moving is the key, isn't it ? Well meaning people keep suggesting to "sit down, relax" when in actual fact it is better to keep moving. You are so right in that we are not victims, we are women - of various ages and stages - who have secondary breast cancer that is not curable but the emphasis is on living. We don't want platitudes or slogans, we just want to lead a normal life in between "treat, scan and repeat" as pink66 said. Best wishes to you. Sheryl xx   
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi Sheryl, Am crossing fingers for you that your higher markers are indeed related to the mouth ulcers (happens with blood sugars and infections with diabetes so why not BC). As for wasting precious energy worrying - you have every right to be worried whether it ends up being justified or not (hopefully not!) This disease is certainly not a stroll in the park. Big hugs Xx Cath