Travel Insurance

San-Dee Member Posts: 99
edited September 2016 in Day to day

Hi Everyone,

I just thought some of you might be interested in my dealings with travel insurance.

My husband and I had planned and paid for a trip to spend our anniversary in Paris ... we are supposed to be there as I type! But along came breast cancer in February and here I am. Thankfully we were fully insured and all has gone well there.

I have now finished with radiotherapy and we are slowly getting back to some kind of normal, so have booked a holiday to New Zealand early next year. Our travel agent insisted I would not get any sort of travel insurance due to my cancer, but we decided to go ahead with the booking regardless.

Good news is, our insurance company has agreed to take us on, yet again, and we couldn't be happier. I know everyone's BC is different, with different outcomes and this all has an effect on travel insurance policies, but it seems some companies are prepared to do the research and take each case on its own merits.

I have no interest/affiliation/employment history or anything else with them, but if you re interested, it was the NRMA which has its travel insurance underwritten by Covermore.




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  • KristyE
    KristyE Member Posts: 23
    edited July 2016

    Thanks for the information. Sorry that you had to miss your planned holiday. My husband & I have also booked a holiday to Paris to celebrate our 20th anniversary well before all of this happened. I should be finished radiation 2 weeks before we leave in mid September. I know that I'll probably still be tired, but I've been looking forward to this for so long I'm willing to risk not feeling 100%. However, it's good to know that I can cancel if I need to due to travel insurance I purchased as soon as I bought the airline tickets. They're OK with my diagnosis & happy for me to travel.

  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    edited July 2016

    San-Dee how excellent that you have found a company that recognises you are an individual with individual needs. Thanks so much for sharing as I'm sure there are many of us who still have the travel bug. What wonderful PR for nrma and don't they most certainly deserve it!!!  Oooh and also I'm quite short and I'm dieting and I wouldn't take up much of your luggage space!!!  Xx Cath

  • San-Dee
    San-Dee Member Posts: 99
    edited July 2016

    Hi Kristye,

    I am jealous! But there was no way we could have made it this time and we will do Paris later on.

    Have a perfect anniversary trip and take care.



  • San-Dee
    San-Dee Member Posts: 99
    edited July 2016

    To Socoda

    Hi Cath,

    Ha! If I could take everyone on here with me I would! We all deserve a holiday after all this!

    And yes, nice to know some companies are treating us as individuals, not taking the one size fits all approach.



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