Ideas for Susie

Hi everyone,
My mum (Sue) has just found out last week that her Breast Cancer has now spread to the Pancreas. We are not sure what stage it is at and are waiting for a Biopsy and Endoscope to happen in the next week or two.
Mum wants to sell her house which is in Elizabeth Grove but there is a lot of work that needs to be done like tidying the big backyard, removing crates, emptying house, selling furniture, washing walls etc.. All of the usual house moving jobs. I am wondering if any of you know of any community support groups or just anywhere that would be able to help us at a cheap cost? I am an only child and my dad's not on the scene to assist.
We do have family members that will help but I just wanted to see if there is any other means of assistance out there. Mum is on the pension and I have recently moved out of home for my first time so we don't have a lot of money.
As confronting as this all is, I am excited as this is a new journey for mum and she will be staying with me at my house 3-4 days a week which means I can spend so so much more quality time with her.
Any ideas or suggestions will be hugely appreciated.
Thank you
Love Shani, X
Shani, her local council may be a good starting point. Best wishes for you & your mum. ??