Here I am

annev Member Posts: 1
edited December 2015 in Health and wellbeing

I have been an avid follower since I was first diagnosed in April 2014 but have never felt confident in participating until now. Better late than never!! I have taken great comfort in reading some of the long term participants especially Robyn W, Leanne, Michelle, Belle, Rowdy and many others who have helped me greatly. I was diagnosed with Early Breast Cancer HER 2+, had a lumpectomy with 18 lymph nodes removed (1 positive), 6 rounds of chemotherapy (TCH) and 30 rounds of radiation to my breast and neck area. I am on Arimidex for 10 years ( 9 now!!!)

Throughout treatment, I was super upbeat, optimistic about the future and generally handling everything amazingly well. Since active treatment finished in April (end of Herceptin), I've fallen into a rather large hole......things have been somewhat hectic, to say the least in that my mother passed away in August, my husband and I travelled overseas in September on a 6 week holiday that had been planned since Jan '15, I was really sick while overseas due to a chest infection that turned out to be post-radiation lung damage, my mother-in-law passed away 10 days after we returned home, I have just sold my mother's home.......!!! Hectic but somehow I feel that I should be better able to handle everything. I have been seeing a psychologist who has been wonderful but haven't seen her since August although going back to see her next Wednesday.

I absolutely know (and feel very encouraged by others' stories) I'm no Robinson Crusoe. The past week has been horrendous where I have felt so flat and empty that I have really started to worry about the future and where I actually fit in in the whole broad scheme of things. I have a super supportive husband and children and am so looking forward to 2 grandchildren arriving next year so feel I am being rather self indulgent in feeling the way I do. 

Will close after my little ramble but I do take great comfort in knowing that it's not just me who feels like this. I think it was Belle's post yesterday that finally prompted me to participate as I read it and thought "Yes, I know what you're saying."
