Ready to Fly (part 2)

Hello fellow nature lovers
As we near the festive season some of us have immense feelings of sadness, for a variety of reasons.
I thought I would share with you that the little Willy Wagtails of my last photo did make their maiden flight the day I took the photo. Three Willies are now keeping together and one alone at opposite sides of the house (do they banish the male baby ?). With our very hot weather we have plenty of water all around the house and we watch them having their baths.
This weekend we have seen two of the Willy Wagtails beginning to re-use the nest. We do not know whether this is normal practice but it is amazing to watch. Will keep an eye on the maternity ward and keep you informed.
I hope this has brought a smile to the faces of some ladies who, like me, are struggling a bit at the moment.
Big hugs and a wish for a happy festive season to you all
Summer :-)
Hi Summer sorry you are feeling sad, sending you a big hug and hope you start to feel better. I know life can be so tough sometimes, take carexxxxx
Yes nature can be amazing wouldn't it be nice to fly away.
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Hi Summer:):) Isn't nature amazing? I don't know a lot about these little birds,but one thing I do know is that they will re use the same nest several times in one year,so I think you will have more baby birds soon!!!!Sorry to hear that you are feeling down.Keep pushing ahead,as once you get through Xmas,things might settle a bit.Who knows what is round the next corner?Thats life right? Keep posting stories like this as I love them:):):) Cheers Robyn xox
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Hi Rowdy
Thank you for the big hug - much appreciated.
Yep, keeping an eye on the birds does lift my spirits. Yes, it would be great to be able to just fly away !
Summer :-)
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Hi Robyn
Thanks for letting me know about the habits of the Willy Wagtails. One is sitting there again but not sure if it is the original one - and we are watching another tree as there seems to be lots of activity there as well. Here's hoping.
Yes, Xmas can be a sad time when we realize just how many friends are no longer with us. Having no family my friends have been my life.
BUT - I will get through once again, eh ? I do try to think of the happier times and watch the beauty around us, like the little birds.
Keep in touch - big hugs
Summer :-)
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sometimes you just need to see past the crap, its nice to just sit sometimes and appreciate that we are all alive. hope we can make you smile to. adean
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Hi Summer
Hope you are ok today. I've really enjoyed reading about your willy wagtails. Birds are beautiful and it's really special to have a family at your home. Willy wagtail juveniles must be so cute.
Currently we have a pair of magpies onto their second set of two babies within a few months. The first set, the Dwaynes, are still really clumsy and immature, and a second set, the Henrys, just appeared last week. Poor parents looks really flustered. God knows where they all sleep. Have been slipping them mince for a few years..funny birds and a wonderful distraction.
Take care
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Thank you so much. I am smiling today as the weather is sunny but a cool breeze so I can work around and get things done with the 4-legged kids outside !
Yes, I do love to watch nature at work - see my next response to Ruth (below).
We are alive - and we just have to make the best of what we are given.
Summer :-)
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Hi Ruth
I am so glad you have enjoyed the Willy stories - NEWS UPDATE - we have three eggs in the nest now.
It is getting more difficult to tell the first babies from the parents now as the tails are growing longer.
Oh, I love the magpies. Other years we have had them singing in the tree beside the verandah but this year the Willys are stopping them - so funny, they are such aggressive little birds.
Hubby just walked the dog down to the letterbox (on the highway) and on the way saw an echidna in our paddock. We have seen a couple this year.
Watching nature is so healing.
Hugs Summer :-)