Butt Naked! (Don't report me !) LOL

They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! and we all know BCNA is our virtual "Vegas" where we won't be judged and we can say it as it is! So here goes....
I've had a rough couple of weeks but someone’s recent post about ‘The healing wonders of nature” and her dancing in the rain took me back to a very recent moment where I impulsively did something I would normally never do! but which gave me so much joy. I hope me spilling my little secret on here will at least make one of you smile or even better, encourage you to find a moment in your journey where you too could really let your hair down and experience some joy.
In October when my treatment finished we took our family on a well-deserved vacation to Tangalooma (this is where I hope I don't get reported...lol) One day, hubby and I went for a very long walk and found ourselves on a beautiful remote stretch of beach far from the resort. We both looked at each other and I instinctively knew what he was thinking before he even said it! "let’s skinny dip in the ocean!"...NOW, my hubby is very conservative and normally we would never ever do anything like this, but he didn't have to invite me twice! we both stripped down and giddily ran into the ocean. We felt like naughty children again waiting to be caught out by someone! For a second I did fear being attacked by a shark or something and having to be pulled out of the ocean butt naked!(imagine my poor rescuer having to pull out this naked, half bald 40yo woman with only one breast!! and something else on her chest resembling a scarred balloon!) But for that moment I just allowed myself to get submerged in the moment and I floated about on my back (one expander filled breast poking out of the water like Mount Everest) soaking up every ray of sunshine that hit every inch of my weary body without any care whatsoever! It was a bucket list moment which I will never forget.
It was our little secret until today (blush)
What I have learnt from our impulsive childish moment was to seek out little magical moments every day (not necessarily as extreme as skinny dipping) but to allow myself to just experience 'spur of the moment' kind of joy, where I can create something special, to help me cope and realise that there is still much to live for and enjoy. I think I might have missed many such moments this past year because I got too caught up in my circumstances and felt trapped in my 'bubble' called cancer!
I want to thank you all who share on here not just the bad but the good also because it reminded me of my own good moments and gives me hope. I am determined to find more moments again, to make memories for me and my family because in the end we don't remember days, we remember moments! and as they say "life is not a dress rehersal".
Be blessed with hope girls, and hang in there!
Hello Ne
Thanks for your post.
Isn't it great to remember being so silly, however briefly, that it beings a smile to our face so long after the event ?
Maybe your story will have other ladies thinking of their little moments and bring lots of little happy stories to the site for others to read.
Keep smiling
Summer :-)
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Glad you had a great time at Tangalooma.
You have earned some fun time.
If ever you want to talk , I am in Brisbane.
I wish I was brave enough to skinny dip , but I think I would be seen by the tourists as a passing whale ??
Wish you all the best
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Great post Ne.
I agree wholeheartedly after a crappy year last year my resolution this year was to make as many memories as possible.
No one has a crystal ball or knows what tomorrow will bring so live for the here and now and enjoy every minute of it.
I am enjoying really simple things like never before....burning that sweet smelling candle or stopping at someones garden to take a sniff of their roses.
Irrespective how busy and crazy life gets take time out to enjoy those simple things ????
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Haha, good for you! Those memories will be very good ones.
take care xx
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Good on you Ne, that must have been so much fun. How wonderful for you and your hubby, something to giggle at and remember always.
Lovely, Trace xxx
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Aaauw Jane.. you just made me laugh out loud. Xx
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Love it you made me smile and made me remember that there is alot to be enjoyedxx
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You go girl. Luvd ur story.
Kerr kerr
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Hi Ne,
That story was so lovely! You're so right about making every moment count and revaluating life. Your story and others' comments have made me smile this morning. thank yo.
Karen xx
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I loved the sheer joy of your post Ne, and what a great memory to make and share! Jane xx
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Love love love your moment ????????it's wonderful that you share it here too.gave my a belly chuckle this morning ??What a great story xxxxx
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Well your post just made me smile.
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Big giggles here xx actually I skinny dipped there many years ago lol yes I have some fun I do some days I put on video hits and dance all on my own - I'm trying to get the Moves like Jagger back!! I loved your on expander comment yes my left expander boob is starting to look like Mt Everest!!
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Sounds like you and me have heaps in common. I'm a put video hits on and dance to them kinda girl too!!! Loooove dancing and singing at the top of my lungs x