Who has inspired you?

Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
edited September 2015 in Community news and events

Today was my first day at work without my amazing work friend Daina sitting by my side.  As she embarks on her journey of becoming a mum, I am excited about my journey with BCNA.

I wanted to share with you all that last week I got to meet a woman that has inspired me - Raelene Boyle. I was like a little kid at a candy store, eager to get my picture with her. What a wonderful lady she is.

Who has inspired you?

This week has seen our Online Network continue to grow with 36 new members. We have had 32 great stories being shared from the community and a whopping 214 comments on all of the blog posts - now that is inspiring!

  • Thank you Robyn for your wonderful positive post “2 Years” it's really great to read how good you are feeling.
  • If you have some advice for Lorraine B around coloring your hair after chemo please comment on her post “Hair colour post chemo”
  • I wanted to finish off by congratulating Lunanoire who’s blog post “I did it” sums up my little piece this week on who inspires you.

Here is my photo with the one and only Raelene Boyle!

Have a lovely weekend.




  • Chorsell
    Chorsell Member Posts: 462
    edited September 2015

    Hope you are not too lonely without Daina.. I agree RB is awesome - I have my own collection of pics from the summit :-)



  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    edited September 2015

    Well, it is pretty quite with no one sitting next to me, so I am breaking out into a little song every now and again :)

    I think this is just the start of my collection.

    ~Ann-Marie x

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited September 2015

    Love this. I have now met Raelene twice, and like you was a bit star struck. However she is the most down to earth person and always up for a photo without any song and dance. She is great fun and a wonderful ambassador for BCNA. 

    Paula x