
dizumba Member Posts: 66
edited June 2015 in Health and wellbeing

Hi ladies 

I need your help ..

I am deep depression at moment of bad times i am mother of 5 adults  i am deaf  , live in Mernda

my 2 eldest sons plus their wife reject me for no reason , i feel so  empty bottom  very hard to lift 

my daughter trying help me   

so i need asking for your help  and touch me  please . i am alone at home  ,my husband at work .

other son live in USA ..,,,,, i am out work , i am 2 years surviour cancer finish treatment 2 years ago .  it biggest impact me at moment never seen before uncontrolled and more sad and very quiet 




  • Natalie carr
    Natalie carr Member Posts: 48
    edited June 2015

    Hi Diane.depression is a horrible thing when it seems its grip on you will never go.i also suffer with depression and when it gets you down like you are it's very hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.please go to your dr and maybe get some extra help from him.also trying some relaxation techniques could be of some help to you.takecare of yourself and your never alone with all the lovely people on here ??hugs to you Nat xxxx

  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    edited June 2015

    Hi Diane, I was so sorry to hear that you are feeling like this, can I also suggest you or your daughter contact either Beyond Blue (1300 224636), who can offer immediate support to anyone suffering depression, or to contact the Cancer Council (131120) who offer telephone support and run support groups with others that have been through cancer and understand the impact this can have on our lives. Nat is right, your GP should also be able to help you out and may want to refer you to a counsellor. There is no shame in taking up this support, you have been through a tough time and a little bit of extra help can work wonders in turning things around. Best wishes, Jane xx

  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    edited June 2015

    Hi Diane, I was so sorry to hear that you are feeling like this, can I also suggest you or your daughter contact either Beyond Blue (1300 224636), who can offer immediate support to anyone suffering depression, or to contact the Cancer Council (131120) who offer telephone support and run support groups with others that have been through cancer and understand the impact this can have on our lives. Nat is right, your GP should also be able to help you out and may want to refer you to a counsellor. There is no shame in taking up this support, you have been through a tough time and a little bit of extra help can work wonders in turning things around. Best wishes, Jane xx

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited June 2015

    Hey Dianne,it's Robyn!!! It is great to hear from you.I am so sorry that you are feeling so down at the moment,but I feel sure that this is only temporary.You have done the right thing by coming on here and connecting with other ladies.I sometimes wonder how I would be if I hadn't stayed on this network.I think it takes such a long time to recover completely,if we ever really do.As time goes on,we get further away from our initial diagnosis,but we always have that worry ,somewhere in the back of our minds.You have more to contend with than lots of us Dianne,and now to have the worry of your sons rejection,on top of everything else.It doesn't seem fair,but the best thing that you can do,is to try and just take care of YOU.Please keep talking on here,and as you know Dianne,there is always someone here to talk to.I will make sure that I check in on you over the next few days.Feel free to msg my in box if you want to Dianne.Keep your head up and try not to worry too much about your sons Dianne.It may take time,but these things usually settle down over time.Cheers Robyn xox

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited June 2015

    Hey Dianne,it's Robyn!!! It is great to hear from you.I am so sorry that you are feeling so down at the moment,but I feel sure that this is only temporary.You have done the right thing by coming on here and connecting with other ladies.I sometimes wonder how I would be if I hadn't stayed on this network.I think it takes such a long time to recover completely,if we ever really do.As time goes on,we get further away from our initial diagnosis,but we always have that worry ,somewhere in the back of our minds.You have more to contend with than lots of us Dianne,and now to have the worry of your sons rejection,on top of everything else.It doesn't seem fair,but the best thing that you can do,is to try and just take care of YOU.Please keep talking on here,and as you know Dianne,there is always someone here to talk to.I will make sure that I check in on you over the next few days.Feel free to msg my in box if you want to Dianne.Keep your head up and try not to worry too much about your sons Dianne.It may take time,but these things usually settle down over time.Cheers Robyn xox

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited June 2015

    Hey Dianne,it's Robyn!!! It is great to hear from you.I am so sorry that you are feeling so down at the moment,but I feel sure that this is only temporary.You have done the right thing by coming on here and connecting with other ladies.I sometimes wonder how I would be if I hadn't stayed on this network.I think it takes such a long time to recover completely,if we ever really do.As time goes on,we get further away from our initial diagnosis,but we always have that worry ,somewhere in the back of our minds.You have more to contend with than lots of us Dianne,and now to have the worry of your sons rejection,on top of everything else.It doesn't seem fair,but the best thing that you can do,is to try and just take care of YOU.Please keep talking on here,and as you know Dianne,there is always someone here to talk to.I will make sure that I check in on you over the next few days.Feel free to msg my in box if you want to Dianne.Keep your head up and try not to worry too much about your sons Dianne.It may take time,but these things usually settle down .Cheers Robyn xox

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited June 2015

    Hey Dianne,it's Robyn!!! It is great to hear from you.I am so sorry that you are feeling so down at the moment,but I feel sure that this is only temporary.You have done the right thing by coming on here and connecting with other ladies.I sometimes wonder how I would be if I hadn't stayed on this network.I think it takes such a long time to recover completely,if we ever really do.As time goes on,we get further away from our initial diagnosis,but we always have that worry ,somewhere in the back of our minds.You have more to contend with than lots of us Dianne,and now to have the worry of your sons rejection,on top of everything else.It doesn't seem fair,but the best thing that you can do,is to try and just take care of YOU.Please keep talking on here,and as you know Dianne,there is always someone here to talk to.I will make sure that I check in on you over the next few days.Feel free to msg my in box if you want to Dianne.Keep your head up and try not to worry too much about your sons Dianne.It may take time,but these things usually settle down .Cheers Robyn xox

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited June 2015

    Hey Dianne,it's Robyn!!! It is great to hear from you.I am so sorry that you are feeling so down at the moment,but I feel sure that this is only temporary.You have done the right thing by coming on here and connecting with other ladies.I sometimes wonder how I would be if I hadn't stayed on this network.I think it takes such a long time to recover completely,if we ever really do.As time goes on,we get further away from our initial diagnosis,but we always have that worry ,somewhere in the back of our minds.You have more to contend with than lots of us Dianne,and now to have the worry of your sons rejection,on top of everything else.It doesn't seem fair,but the best thing that you can do,is to try and just take care of YOU.Please keep talking on here,and as you know Dianne,there is always someone here to talk to.I will make sure that I check in on you over the next few days.Feel free to msg my in box if you want to Dianne.Keep your head up and try not to worry too much about your sons Dianne.It may take time,but these things usually settle down .Cheers Robyn xox

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited June 2015

    Hey Dianne,it's Robyn!!! It is great to hear from you.I am so sorry that you are feeling so down at the moment,but I feel sure that this is only temporary.You have done the right thing by coming on here and connecting with other ladies.I sometimes wonder how I would be if I hadn't stayed on this network.I think it takes such a long time to recover completely,if we ever really do.As time goes on,we get further away from our initial diagnosis,but we always have that worry ,somewhere in the back of our minds.You have more to contend with than lots of us Dianne,and now to have the worry of your sons rejection,on top of everything else.It doesn't seem fair,but the best thing that you can do,is to try and just take care of YOU.Please keep talking on here,and as you know Dianne,there is always someone here to talk to.I will make sure that I check in on you over the next few days.Feel free to msg my in box if you want to Dianne.Keep your head up and try not to worry too much about your sons Dianne.It may take time,but these things usually settle down .Cheers Robyn xox

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited June 2015

    Hey Dianne,it's Robyn!!! It is great to hear from you.I am so sorry that you are feeling so down at the moment,but I feel sure that this is only temporary.You have done the right thing by coming on here and connecting with other ladies.I sometimes wonder how I would be if I hadn't stayed on this network.I think it takes such a long time to recover completely,if we ever really do.As time goes on,we get further away from our initial diagnosis,but we always have that worry ,somewhere in the back of our minds.You have more to contend with than lots of us Dianne,and now to have the worry of your sons rejection,on top of everything else.It doesn't seem fair,but the best thing that you can do,is to try and just take care of YOU.Please keep talking on here,and as you know Dianne,there is always someone here to talk to.I will make sure that I check in on you over the next few days.Feel free to msg my in box if you want to Dianne.Keep your head up and try not to worry too much about your sons Dianne.It may take time,but these things usually settle down .Cheers Robyn xox

  • Cook65
    Cook65 Member Posts: 733
    edited June 2015

    Hi Dianne

    I'm  so sorry you are feeling so low. Apparently it is not unusual to feel like this once the treatment is finished. You finally have time to take in everything you have been through. This can also be the same for the people around us. Perhaps your son is not coping with everything you have all been through. 

    Go to see your go and see if you can get a mental health plan going. Organise some counselling and discuss how you are feeling. The whole bc experience is like an onion (to quote Shrek). It has so many layers and can effect everyone differently at different times. Hopefully the doctor and a counsellor will be able to give you strategies to deal with how you are feeling. They may also be able to give you some insight into how those around you are dealing with things. It could be your son is not coping or maybe he is just sick of hearing about it. Who knows? Maybe he thinks you should just be over it but unfortunately bc impacts on everything and it's not that easy to just shut the book and say that treatment has finished so all is good and just move on. Be kind to you. Hang in there. Karen xox

  • dizumba
    dizumba Member Posts: 66
    edited June 2015

    Hi Robyn 

    Thankyou for  your info help , yes i went to see dr gave me anxiety depression tablets , to calm me down , had improve  slowly bit lift up now , i dont want talk about my boys , my mother say it unfair  agree with me  and my daughter stay with me and watch me over 2 days and yestersday  she take me to visit my mum  my daughter wont let me drive  

    my husband is support   and 3 deaf friends will come over  this week  

    hey i read about your lump in underarm is allright with you ??  

    love you and big hugs  xxxxxxxxxxxxx wish to see you .,where you live ???  


  • dizumba
    dizumba Member Posts: 66
    edited June 2015

    HI Jane  thankyou so much for your help and advice , i am just allright and improve  now  i went see dr for depression tablets help me calm down and our friend from church  pray for me  and other 3 deaf friend will coming over to cheer me up  

    and my only daughter coming over for 2 days to look after me  and support me . thankyou for your love  

    Dianne xxxx

  • dizumba
    dizumba Member Posts: 66
    edited June 2015

    Hi Nat 

    thankyou for your love support  , I am allright and improve  each day getting calm  now  I have been see dr gave me tablet to calm down  and my only daughter come over and stay with me for 2 days to look after me  my grief coming out ,i feel good but still feel lost  sons anyway 

    soon I become grandmother for first time  (other son in USA his wife  expect  baby )

    ... my daughter had keep eyes on me and visit me  

    thankyou for your love xxxx


  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    edited June 2015

    Hi Dianne, I'm so pleased to hear that you are feeling a bit better and glad that your doctor was able to help. Enjoy your daughter's visit and it's great to hear you are being supported by your husband and friends. I'm sure their love and care will help you get through this hard time. Take care, Jane xx