My first few months...

Hi all,
I have been the proud CEO of Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) for 14 weeks. And what a busy and wonderful few months it has been!
One of the highlights for me is meeting our new members. The bravery and generosity of spirit of the women I meet continues to amaze me and it is humbling that BCNA can play a role in creating opportunities for women to connect with one another and the wider community.
Last Monday we had three breast cancer survivors, Marie, Christine and Karen, “jump for bravery” from 14,000 feet as the launch of the Pink Bun campaign. It was the most beautiful, still, sunny morning at the drop site beside the sea at St Kilda – very unusual for this time of the year in Melbourne. The women were so elated and it was one of those lovely occasions where all seems right with the world. Over 100 of our members volunteered for the skydive and we are considering how we might take this concept forwards.
We have also had some very important wins over the last week with Josh Frydenberg, Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Superannuation, announcing that he will extend the life expectancy provision period for people with terminal illness wanting to access their super from twelve months to two years. This will assist many thousands of Australians including some BCNA members with secondary breast cancer. I notice that Josh is wearing his Pink Lady pin on his lapel through all his media appearances over the last two days.
Sussan Ley the Minister for Health involved BCNA in her press conference on Saturday where she announced the listing of Kadcyla, Perjeta and Herceptin on the PBS. It is terrific to see our organisation recognised by these two Ministers and we are delight with these announcements.
As you may have noticed May is a busy month for BCNA with the Pink Lady Match held at the MCG last weekend, our annual Pink Bun Campaign with Bakers Delight and the annual Pink Sports Day which traditionally runs over Mother's Day weekend. All of these activities help us to raise the revenue necessary so we can continue to ensure Australians affected by breast cancer receive the very best support, information, treatment and care, completely free-of-charge.
As an organisation we could not achieve all we do without some very special partnerships that have supported us along the way. Foremost is our partnership with Bakers Delight, which this year reaches the phenomenal milestone of 15 years! I encourage all of our BCNA members to drop into a Bakers Delight to buy a pink bun during May and thank the wonderful Bakers Delight staff for their ongoing support. To get involved with the campaign visit -
Our most valuable relationship is with you, our members. Hearing from women helps us to understand your needs to help guide our future path. I look forward to hearing more from you – please share your story, connect with one another via the online network, or email us at and let us know what’s on your mind.
I am incredibly proud to be leading BCNA and look forward to sharing your journey into the future.
Thank you for all that you are doing