How do I...

Here are some quick links and useful pages to help find your way around the online network:
- Online Network News (Updates and tips for online network)
- Help & Frequently Asked Questions
- Latest online network activity (All blog posts)
- Filtering and finding content
Let's share and add some useful navigation tips to this post.
Hi Chris
Is there a way to get back to the online network general page when you have been reading a post on one of the group pages? At the moment (using an I-pad) I have to click on my profile pic drop box and go to my profile or messages or something and when this loads I then have an online network link at the top to click on. This seems an awkward way of navigating but it works.
These are the types of basic navigating tips that those of us who are not very computer savvy need. Maybe we can share some really basic things like how to make a post, a comment, a reply, a personal message. Believe it or not some of us need this type of help! Maybe this could then be a featured post for a while so lots of people get some much needed help. Might cut down on everyone's frustration?
Good to hear from you we have been feeling a bit lonely and deserted on here.
Deanne xxx
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Hi there - when I am on my iPad an I want to go back I will either use the back arrow at the top left of the screen (<) I assume you are using safari? Or if you scroll back to the top of your screen on the right hand side if you tap "Online Network" twice it takes you back to all the posts. I alternate between these depending on where I am.
Let me know how you go
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I don't know if these might help anyone, but I made these screen shots for members of the Breast reconstruction online group.
-" target="_blank">Posting
-" target="_blank">Navigating
cheers Louie
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Hi all, I have a new Android phone and while it doesn't allow you to type into the login area, I have found it does allow you to paste. So I have copied and pasted my login details into the boxes and can get on that way. I have saved the pages to my home screen as a shortcut and it auto logs on each time.
On my PC or iPad, I have saved my favourite Online Network pages in the bookmarks and this also makes it a more direct route to the pages I want.
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I prepared these screen shots for posting and navigating in the Breast reconstruction online group. These might be handy even for the main network.
-" target="_blank">Posting
-" target="_blank">Navigating
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When I am posting in the main blog I lose the big pink post tab. It only reappears when I open a post. I am on my ipad.
any ideas?
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Sounds like a bug! Thanks for the details Paula. I will log this as a new issue and it will be prioritised as soon as possible.
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Thanks Daina. I spend ages looking for it.
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Two we still have live feed? How do we find posts we have commented upon?
still not liking the renovation makeover.
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We don't have live feed,yet,but it's coming back I'm sure Daina said:):)Hang in there.Robynxxx
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Hi Louise, no more workarounds needed on the Andraid devices :-)
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Hi Louise, Just adding the links to the documents you pulled together for the breast reconstruction group -
- Posting into a group -
- Navigating the site -