3 sleeps till follow up with breast surgeon & pathology of 2 sentinel nodes. I’ve only shared my current status with those close to me, but a friend told a friend, who have come to me with the dreaded ‘should’ advice. Along the lines of ‘FWIW my friend had BC and she went vegan and blah blah & she’s well…’
I totally understand he’s coming from a place of care & love, and I absolutely acknowledge lifestyle factors & influence on recovery & assistance during treatment, but everyone is different (personal health, family history, age st diagnosis etc) how do i tell him his advice is just not helpful right niw? What works for 1 person may not for another? Last time i had cancer (1997 - thyroid) there were many ‘helpful souls’ sharing what worked for their friends,
it’s my health & my journey, and whilst i welcome support, i just cant cope right now with the ‘you should’ brigade.
How do others deal with this? Is there a calm way to say ‘please dont’ - given calm is so far away from my current basket of feelings? (Scared, angry, fatigued, trying to be kind to myself, balance between wanting to hide & wanting to just keep going as i am really well, apart from the large wide incision on the right breast and unknow treatment regime to be revealed & understood & planned for)