My breast surgeon made me fell like a burden to Health system

Hello everyone ..I need some help ..a little background info about me I am 60 yrs old I found a lump a few weeks ago ..I have had the biopsy done breast cancer was confirmed and yesterday had a consult with a surgeon I still feel shell shocked ..maybe I was naive but I thought I got choices ..I didnt ..I wanted a double masectomy with reconstruction .the tumor is only in my right breast at this stage and I feel that both should go so I dont face this again in a few years ..but the surgeon said no ..that a lumpectomy is all I needed with no reconstruction ..when I pressed for the recon I got told that the public hospital I would be in only has a small budget and they couldnt afford recon ..3 times in the consult she mentioned this ..and also told me I was free to shop around hospitals ,I feel I was a number to her she was polite etc but very scripted ..she just rattled off so many things my head was spinning ,I left with a pile of leaflets referrals etc ..even today I cant really recall all she said,my daughter was with me and she is the same ,I just keep hearing her tell me about the hospitals budget ..I dont like the idea of a lumpectomy,I told her I would not be happy with my breast if I had it ..she insisted it was the way to go and that I should go buy some chicken fillets if I wasnt happy with the shape afterwards ..then after telling me all that she said the radiation will shrink the breast so I will be lopsided anyway ..then she said she would do her best to save the nipple..(sigh) she didnt answer any of my questions about the radiation treatment or chemo ..I did not feel like she listened to me at all in the consult ..she had my surgery planned before she even met me and she actually made me feel like a burden to the health system and her ,now I feel like I am backed into a corner is scheduled for the 29th april ..I dont know what to do now .. I hate the thought that the cancer might go to my left breast and I dont want my right breast to look abnormal ..please any advise would be welcome ,I feel like I am on a runaway train thats gathering speed and theres no end in sight gut instinct is cancel everything and start again
sorry to ramble so much but it feels good to get all this out ..thanks for listening
Hello, it’s Lisa from the Policy Team. I’m really sorry to hear that you had a negative experience talking with your surgeon yesterday. I wanted to double check that you’ve received our My Journey Kit? It’s a free information pack that contains information about the different types of breast cancer, the various treatments available, as well as tips and suggestions from women who have been affected by breast cancer. If you haven’t already received it, you can order the My Journey Kit on our website or call our Member Services Team on 1800 500 258.
One of the things that can be helpful to keep in mind is that you can take a bit of time before making decisions about your treatment. Being diagnosed can be such a shock, and it can be really helpful to take the time you need to digest what has happened and think about your options.It can also be really helpful to get a second opinion. Many women get a second opinion if they aren’t happy with, or are a bit unsure about, their original doctor’s advice. You may like to ask your GP for a referral to another surgeon for a second perspective. If there is a breast care nurse close by that you can talk to, this might also help as well. You can search for a breast care nurse in your area on the McGrath Foundation's website.
You might have had a look already, but there is information on our website about the different types of treatment, including surgery, and also reconstruction that might be helpful.
Warm regards,