Our Journey

SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,429


  • Chantellep
    Chantellep Member Posts: 34
    Yes, it is certainly a journey! I'm so thankful that God has a plan and that he keeps putting things and people in my ways to make me useful and grow along the way. :)
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,429
    @Chantellep when we allow Him he can do great things even through our roller coaster ride called BC 
  • BarbieAnne
    BarbieAnne Member Posts: 174
    We may not know or understand why we are on the BC ride, but God has his plan. By trusting him, he will reveal it.
  • Jacifran123
    Jacifran123 Member Posts: 5
    Jeremaiah 29:11 was the verse I read on the day I was diagnosed with BC.  That's why I was at mostly at peace during the early days of diagnosis and treatment. 
    God is faithful.