A request for prayer.

BarbieAnne Member Posts: 174
edited February 2018 in Social Groups
Hi fellow Christians,
My sister-in-law died a fortnight ago after a diagnisis of ovarine cancer 3-4 years ago. She was younger than me.
Added to this we were told last night that my stepson, wife and children will be going overseas for a couple of years. I am glad for them because they are going to Bible School. I feel sad though, because my health may deteriorate in that time.
 Upon reflection, I know that it is about my own mortality. So many people make comment about what a good attitude I have for my circumstances. I am usually upbeat but at this moment in time, I feel so incredibly sad. I know that God is with me, I can feel Him around me. As people who can relate to this, please keep me in your prayers. 
Thankyou and God bless as we do this journey together


  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    Of course @BarbieAnne Sorry for your loss and bitter-sweet news about your stepson.  You are right though. Life can challenge us but God is ever there. It's difficult to be reminded of our mortality and it's okay to feel sad about it too. Brighter days will follow. Hugs and prayers.
  • BarbieAnne
    BarbieAnne Member Posts: 174
    Thankyou for your reply @Molly001. Voicing one's feelings in a safe environment is beneficial. Today I feel so much better.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,429
    hi @BarbieAnne
    I am sorry for you loss 
    it is hard at anytime to see our loved ones leaving our country to go overseas either permanently or for a stretch of time... it is much harder when we have a diagnosis of BC 
    I pray the peace of God that passes all understanding be on you continually and that you feel his presence as this comes to pass with them going off to bible college. 

    HE walks with us in sunshine or in rain.... 

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,429
    Hey BarbieAnne just wanted to say that each time you come into remembrance I pray for you ... one step at a time 
  • au0rei
    au0rei Member Posts: 248
    @BarbieAnne, thank you for sharing. I really empathize with you. I know how you feel. Where are you in Australia? If only we are nearer we can support one another in persons. @BarbieAnne, can I please encourage you to check up Prophet TB Joshua on Youtube? Please do, it can save your life. We do not need to die of cancer, not when we are God's children. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We are children of the Most High God. Our God is the One and Only true God. Our trials, as Christians, are not like others!!! Our trials are not from God but of the devil who's out to steal, kill and destroy!! But Jesus has overcome the world. We do not need to look at other's experiences, how their sickness end in death, even if they are Christians!!! We need to stand on God's Word which should be the standard in our lives. Our feelings and our experiences have to be out of the windows and God's Word be true. If Jesus is right here, no sickness can stay, and even death has to flee from Him. So no, we shall not die of cancer, which is the devil and given to us by an evil spirit of infirmity. Please look him (Prophet TB Joshua on youtube) up and you know the truth and the truth will set us free. As I am saying this, I am saying to myself as well.

    Today i had my port removed. I have finished all my 18 rounds of herceptin by the grace of God. Amen!
  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    Still praying for you @BarbieAnne
  • steplightly
    steplightly Member Posts: 185
    You have kept count of my tossings;
        put my tears in your bottle.
        Are they not in your record? Psalm 56:8 (NRSV)
    You are not alone in any of this @BarbieAnne.  God sees, surrounds and keeps. He also provides in unexpected ways. He hears your heart cry. 
    Been thinking of you and will pray for peace amidst the storm  I find great encouragement from the song Oceans by Hillsong - on YouTube..
    Take care xo
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,429
    https//youtu.be/dy9nwe9_xzw  here is the link to the song @steplightly
     spoke of in post above this .... 

  • BarbieAnne
    BarbieAnne Member Posts: 174
    Thankyou all for your support. It is good to know that no matter where we are in Australia, we can pray and care for each other. Sometimes, the hardest thing is to admit to those around you that you are going through a time of turmoil. It is about trust I think. God is good He presents us with those opportunities and it is up to us to take them. Twice this week that has happened and I am feeling so much better. 
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I am learning it's a little bit different when a Christian dies. I have heard others say well the deceased is 'at peace' and 'with God'. But I never really looked at it from God's point of view until I heard Ed Sheerans song about his mum called Supermarket Flowers. I warn you, it's a sad one so if you are a bit down don't listen to it as it makes me cry every time I hear it. In the song he sings, 'when God took you back he said Hallelujah, you're home!'. Oops there I go again with the tissues again, what can I say, I'm a softie.
    I live some of my life vicariously through others, hearing all their great adventures and exploits through life especially when nothing earth shattering is happening in my life atm. I have a lot of friends and family on face book and enjoy seeing their photos. My niece is going to Tahiti to live for two years and I will dearly miss her but she and her fiance have set up a group on face book where they will put up all the photos of the place, where they live and day to day things to keep me in touch. Perhaps your away family could do something like that too? Have a private group to share their exploits with you. <3
  • BarbieAnne
    BarbieAnne Member Posts: 174
    Thanks for your comments @Brenda5. Thanks for reminding me of the wonders of our electronic age. I am sure that my family will set up a private group.
  • Chantellep
    Chantellep Member Posts: 34
    Hi BarbieAnne
    Here is a prayer I am singing to God for you, picking up the chain of prayers in the messages above -- it is the chorus of a psalm I used to sing in church:

    In my hour of grief or need          [and you have those]
    when a friend is friend indeed     [looking at the comments above, you have those here]
    and when Satan walks abroad.   [and he is roaring like a lion in your life at the moment]
    be not far from me, O Lord.         [He is always near; we can put our trust in him.]

  • BarbieAnne
    BarbieAnne Member Posts: 174
    Hi there to you all, just an update. God is very good and does answer prayers. I had my first chest, abdo and pelvic CT scan last week since the initial diagnosis in 2016. I am glad to say that all is status quo. Thankyou God for that little tablet called Letrozole!
  • au0rei
    au0rei Member Posts: 248
    Praise God @BarbieAnne <3
  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    Glorious news @BarbieAnne I'm happy to hear that!