Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome
Hi everyone!!!! I was diagnosed with BC last year. I had DCIS and IDC......I had conserving surgery partial mastectomy with a flap reconstruction done......I had my yearly follow up in June this year and the mammogram and ultrasound picked up a mass....I had the biopsy straight away and it didn't contain any cancer cells......It was necrotic tissue. So I had to go back to Breast surgeon 3mths later which was last week....She said I was fine....I saw my radiation oncologist the day later for my routine check up......He told me I have radiation fibrosis syndrome.......I have pain daily and have trouble with the tendon at the front of my arm pit and pain in my arm, breast and left side of my breast. He told me it wont get better but will probably get worse and if I can't handle the pain he will give me medication which settle down the inflammation in the under lying cells which were damaged through the radiation. I was wondering if anyone out there has had this and if anyone knows if I should just have the whole breast removed.....I would be grateful to hear from you.....I don't like the idea of living the rest of my life with daily pain and restricted movement in my arm. Thank you :)723Views0likes17CommentsFeeling cold all the time
Anyone else feeling cold all the time after treatment? Had surgery and radiotherapy last year & started Letrozole in June. Had a few side effects from the Letrozole - occasional hot flush, big weight gain, occasional trouble sleeping (but that could be because my brain comes up with plot ideas as I'm an author...lol), diarrhea. Continual fatigue since radiotherapy. Anyway now it's autumn and although the temps are around 20 I'm feeling cold all the time. Rugged up, sit wrapped in a blanket, etc. I simply cannot get warm. Never used to feel this cold until the temps were in the low single digits...lol112Views0likes14CommentsLate onset Radiotherapy issues
I had radiation therapy after surgery on my left breast over four years ago. In the last couple of months I have developed something called Bronchiolitis Olbitrans Organising Pneumonia (BOOP). One of the causes cane be breast cancer radiation, however my cancer was the outer side of my left breast and the lesions from the BOOP are upper outer side of right lung. Has anyone else developed this? I’m really lost here. I did not have chemo if that makes a difference.122Views0likes8CommentsSkin fold
Hi I am 8 days post radiation treatment and have been feeling great and living life. I now have a split skin fold which is oozing a yellow goo (sorry only way I can think to describe it). My question is it ok to put anything in this? My rad nurse was supposed to call days ago and didn't and I tried calling today my was told the nurses were unavailable and to leave a message (that I did) and my gp isn't available until next week.42Views0likes6CommentsRadiotherapy side effects apart from tiredness ? Any one experienced them?
Hello everyone, I'm sorry if this question has already been asked, I've been reading many information from here as well as in other places etc, I've now had my surgery on the 27th Jan 2023, it was a lumpectomy, and it all went well, for that I'm very grateful to my surgical team, my surgeon is a fantastic woman along with her team of dr's under her, I would highly recommend them to anyone here in Brisbane. My margins were clear, along with the lymph nodes they also removed, I'm now facing this radiotherapy and have had my 1st appointment with the oncology doctor who went through everything, But these side effects are just not sitting well with me at all, I'm not to worried about the tiredness, everyone has spoken about this, and I'm still suffering with long covid as well, plus possibly post surgery recovery, I've started back with exercising, yoga and swimming. the wounds have healed nicely, and the post surgery infection and fluid build up has gone after a brief stay back in hospital 6 days later from the original surgery of the removal of the tuma & lymph nodes. Its the damage (possible) as I'm told to my ribs. the lungs and maybe the heart. and these permeant dots you get branded with like I'm live stock not a human. this has me truly upset and very stressed and concerned for my on going health, as this can and will effect my bones, and organs, Has any one has side effects to their ribs where they are sore after this treatment, or developed scaring on the lungs (that I'm also told is a possibility) My Dr (radiology oncology) did say I could get sore around the rib area, they say I need 3 weeks and 1 day's worth of this treatment, at 5 days a weeks so 16 sessions all up, Has anyone had a shorter time as I've read it can range from 2-5 weeks? Has anyone seek a second opinion or tried alternative measures? I'm extremely worried, stressed , and concerned for my health in the long run with bring subject to this now I have all these facts on what the side effects are, As I have clear margins and nodes and it seems a bit much to me. seeking your thoughts please, I'm a little fragile and extremely overwhelmed , this cancer journey sux - and like ( I would think all of us,) "I / we just want my/ our life back" as this is a nightmare that is screwing up my household and my life Thanks for reading my babble :smile:113Views0likes9CommentsNearly finished radiation!
Hi all, I’ve done 18/20 radiation sessions and am pleased to report the side effects have been minimal so far. I have had a few waves of tiredness and slow brain recently but pretty minor. Skin wise, I used strata xrt and moogoo at home. and straight after treatment I used the sorbolene the hospital gave me. I didn’t realise the beam field was so large beyond the breast so I didn’t apply all the way towards my neck, but there isn’t too much difference in the skin reaction to be honest. The skin has darkened all over - like a light tan, and my nipple is now very dark compared to the other side. I have some tiny red spots over the whole area but they don’t hurt or itch. The only area of concern is the under boob skin fold which has gone very dark brown and the skin is a little bit broken. I was very careful to apply the strata cream there but maybe I should have put a cloth in the fold. I’m wondering what I should put on the broken skin? Savlon? Interested to know what others experienced a week or two after treatment stopped? a.201Views1like20CommentsHas anyone had Vertigo on Paclitaxel
I've been experiencing vertigo, towards the end of my Paclitaxel, and are still experiencing 7 weeks later. It's not severe, but usually occurs in bed turning my head side to side. My Oncologist doesn't think it relates to my Chemo. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Has anyone else experienced this?91Views0likes11CommentsEffects on voice?
By week 9 of paclitaxel, I basically lost my voice. It improved after I was admitted into hospital for 5 days for anemia (had blood transfusion and iv fluids). I stopped paclitaxel last Wednesday. My voice is still weak and strained. Has anyone else had issues with their voice?62Views0likes1CommentRadiotherapy blisters
Hi ladies -I know have 11 treatments done and have noticed small blisters near my scar (4 inches) from lumpectomy . I’m using StrataXRT morning & night and now QV moisturiser middle of day. What else can I do. Area going darker as I have a lot of sun damage to chest . bit sore and sorry with 14 treatments to go . Any suggestions?321Views0likes28CommentsBurns and skin breakdown
Hi everyone hope you’re all well. I’m 6 weeks into treatment with 4 days left (booster dose) the skin under my armpit near where bra sits has started to breakdown and is rapidly getting sorer. Nurses have given me flamigel and a patch but I’m wondering if anyone has any other ideas or how I can keep my boobs from flapping around without wearing a bra? Or any other creams etc to protect it from rubbing ?102Views0likes5Comments