Participate in a research survey to assess the quality of Online Network
BCNA is committed to making improvements to the Online Network on a regular basis and values user input and experience in driving these improvements. You are invited to participate in a study relating to how you perceive the quality of the BCNA Online Network when seeking information and support for cancer. This…
Remembering Olivia Newton-John
We were all saddened by yesterday's news that Olivia Newton-John had passed away. She was an inspiration to many, as she very generously chose to open up her life and share her story to help others affected by breast cancer. We know it was a tough day for many in our network, but it was also an opportunity to celebrate…
SHINE (The Sleep Health in Breast Cancer Study)
Hi Members, BCNA's Policy & Advocacy Team recently shared the below study which may be of some interest to you: SHINE (The Sleep Health in Breast Cancer Study-Evaluating the impact on psychological wellbeing and medication adherence) Researchers at the University of Strathclyde Sleep Research Unit in Glasgow (UK) are…
Dark Humour is good for your health...
I joke around when I'm going through hard times, its just the person I am. I have a dark and quirky sense of humour that can leave some people perplexed, but for me, its an important way of coping. Scientific studies have shown the value of humour in hard times and I have given links to a few of them. If you feel like a…
Research Study - Western Sydney University (Free yoga)
Hello members, Our BCNA Policy and Advocacy team have provided the current study information that may be of interest to some of our members:Researchers at Western Sydney University are undertaking a 6-week clinical trial exploring the impact of either group yoga classes or individual yoga sessions for improving mental…
Research Study - University of Sydney
Hello members, Our BCNA Policy and Advocacy team have provided the current study information that may be of interest to some of our members: What are your thoughts on filling out health forms?Researchers at the University of Sydney are running a study to explore your thoughts on a pictorial version of a scale that measures…
New test in USA that identifies BC recurrence much earlier ..... up to 2 years
A new Blood test is available in the USA for detecting cancer recurrence up to 2 years in advance of current testing methods (it is not suitable for ALL cancers tho - only some of those presenting as solid Tumours, such as in Lung, Colon, Bladder & Breast) .... called Signatera ... which identifies CT-DNA (circulating…
WHO says no booze til you hit Menopause ..... AS IF!
SO the World Health Organisation now reckons women shouldn’t touch booze til they hit Menopause .... I’ve got news for them! THAT WON’T HAPPEN! https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/no-booze-until-menopause-who-s-alcohol-guidance-sparks-female-backlash-20210618-p582e4.html What do you reckon?