So the follow up scan cleared things up for us - the tumors are growing slowly on tdm1. So the drug is no magic bullet for me like it has been for some others. The progression is mm but enough to show a trend and reason to be taken off the trial. I expected it so I'm ok but my emotions have still been flat. You see with…
I started the Th3resa clinical trial on Thursday - I was randomised to receive the study drug (thank GOD) which is TDM1. This is a drug for Her2 Positive women - currently it is mainly being researched in women with ABC but I believe there are some adjuvant trials happening in the US. It is being put up for FDA approval…
Hi all, On the request of my friend, I am looking for survival stories. On March 30th, 2011 my friend Kimberly had a routine mammogram which came back negative. Three weeks later she did a self check and found a lump. A week after that she was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer....three weeks after that, Stage four…
I was dx with stage 3 breast cancer at 28yrs of age (july 2002) Underwent lumpectomy, mastectomy and lymph nodes removed. Cancer spread to lymph nodes. AC chemo x 4 cycles, Taxotere& x 4 cycles, 6 weeks rads, 5 yrs Tamoxifen, Zoladex, Oorphorectomy, Arimidex, now on Femara Celebrate 8 yrs NED on the 10th July 2010!!! Fast…