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MandaMoo Member Posts: 500
edited September 2016 in Metastatic breast cancer

I started the Th3resa clinical trial on Thursday - I was randomised to receive the study drug (thank GOD) which is TDM1.  This is a drug for Her2 Positive women - currently it is mainly being researched in women with ABC but I believe there are some adjuvant trials happening in the US.  It is being put up for FDA approval toward the end of the year I believe based on the promising results from the Emilia trial.  

It has been called a "smart bomb" in the press - effectively the Herceptin (T) is combined with the chemo (DM1) in the same drug.  The Herceptin seeks out the cancer cells which over-express Her2 and then delivers the "payload - chemo" to the cells.  The upside is fewer side effects from the treatment as the drug does little damage to healthy cells.  

I have had my first does on Thursday - over 90mins first time.  My side effects so far are minimal but mainly flu like - mild temp, aches and pains, very mild nausea.low appetite and fatigue.  Today is Day4 and I am feeling pretty good just a little achy. 

I will have my second dose in three weeks - 60 mins this time and then eventually 30 mins.  I will be scanned every 6 weeks.

Who knows if it will work for me - I can only hope.  The disease while I was away decided it quite liked not having a chemo agent in the mix and despite me feeling amazing my pretrial scans showed significant progression but the disease is still confined to my lungs and now my chest nodes.

This drug has had amazing results in some and done nothing for others so I am hoping I fit into the former category or at the very worst keep the disease stable for some time.

If anyone else reading this is on this trial or other TDM1 trials I would be interested in hearing of your experiences.

Much love to you all,

Amanda xx


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    I just love your new pic with your little ones.I'm so glad you are getting the study drug- it sounds very promising and I hope it works for you.Thinking of you and sending you wishes for good health. 

                                  love Tonya xx

  • Al
    Al Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2015
    I too hope you are one of the lucky ones. You have been such an inspiration to all of us. Keep fighting and I'll be thinking of you. Your new photo is amazing! You all look so happy.

    Take care and we look forward to hearing your progress.
    Love Alison xxx
  • Al
    Al Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2015
    I too hope you are one of the lucky ones. You have been such an inspiration to all of us. Keep fighting and I'll be thinking of you. Your new photo is amazing! You all look so happy.

    Take care and we look forward to hearing your progress.
    Love Alison xxx
  • magicmum
    magicmum Member Posts: 285
    edited March 2015

    I have everything crossed that you will be one of the successes !


    lots oflove


  • magicmum
    magicmum Member Posts: 285
    edited March 2015

    I have everything crossed that you will be one of the successes !


    lots oflove


  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    It all sounds really promising so we wish that it works wel for you Mandy.  My warmest wishes to you always.  Love those littlies!! XLeonie

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    It all sounds really promising so we wish that it works wel for you Mandy.  My warmest wishes to you always.  Love those littlies!! XLeonie