Hi @Aami, I didn’t have mastectomy. I had a lumpectomy and axillary clearance ( also about two weeks ago). Like you, I had very limited arm movements. I was given a set of arm exercises to do when I was discharged. I struggled to do most of the exercises as movement was uncomfortable to my chest. However, I diligently tried my best each day to stretch just a little more than the day before. I now have 80% arm movements. To be honest, I didn’t have any strength on my arm post surgery and had to use my right arm to help my left arm (surgery was on my left boots). I suspect I was traumatised by the two drains, they literally kill me whenever I make any movements so even when they were removed I suffered psychological!! 😂
I also have ‘balls’, I told my hubby it feels like a huge watermelon is snugged between my arm and my arm are extremely sensitive. When my surgeon saw me last week, he noticed how I was ‘carrying’ my arm and referred me to a physiotherapist who specialises with breast cancer patients. I had one session and it help me tremendously (the ball miraculously disappeared after physio but came back the next day). I do have follow up sessions with my physiotherapist in two weeks time. The physiotherapist says I may have developed minor cording already and she will be able to sort the cording progressively.
With regards to diet, I haven’t really taken any special food. I am following a healthy diet, lots of fruits esp citrus (oranges, lemon in my water), and lots of vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, spinach etc), fish (mainly salmon as it has omega 3) and avoiding spicy and deep fried food. I do have a day when I eat anything I want. I am drinking at least 2 litres of water daily. Since surgery, I haven’t had any alcohol 🍷, however my medical oncologist and surgeon think it is fine to have a glass once a week. I however just would like my body to heal sooner so am avoiding what I personally believe won’t help.I am told it takes about 4-6 weeks to heal, this is for an axillary clearance and lumpectomy. Maybe you can give your breast care nurse a call and ask her how long does a mastectomy takes to heal generally.
I just had my Ldex taken, and shows I have some water retention (was told I need to drink more water!) and the machine says my body is still in the process of healing.
With regards to pain, were you given painkillers? I was given painkillers but haven’t found the need to take them.
Lastly, I am also walking at least 30 mins (5 days a week). I am not working so have found getting some physical activities beneficial to my body.
Hope the above is helpful.