6 years agoMember
Double Mastectomy & Reconstruction Support
Hi everyone,
I saw my breast surgeon today for my post lumpectomy follow up appointment. There was much more DCIS found as suspected including in all 3 margins plus some other suspicious looking bits. I had decided already that after my lumpectomy I would be having a double mastectomy and reconstruction because the thought of it coming back and being worse as well as the stress of frequent follow ups to check if the cancer had returned with an already strong family history was too much for me. I feel comfortable about my decision to have a double mastectomy and reconstruction, I'll be having the expanders put in first and then about 6 months after I will have the second operation for the silicone implants. If there are any ladies on here who have had the same surgery I would love to hear from you, hear your experience and hear any information or advice you feel is important. If you don't feel comfortable talking about it on here I would be very open to hearing from you on Facebook via private message. Hoping to hear from some of you over the next little while and sending lots of love to anyone going through the same journey. <3