Forum Discussion

Beery's avatar
9 years ago

Rest in Peace

Hi there,

This is Sue's daughter Tina.

Mum always said the most frustrating thing about the Breast Cancer Network was when people just disappeared and you didn't know what happened to them - well you do, but it would be nice to know the full story. Well here's Mum's story.

Mum moved in with me about 12 weeks ago for that support that you all encouraged her to get. She stopped all treatment (radiation, chemo etc) after the brain tumours and whole of brain radiation and was just taking medicine to keep her comfortable and maintain her quality of life (pain medication, anti-nausea and some steriods).

While she was here we went to morning teas (including a high tea), lunches, the art gallery, the museum, she took her granddaughters to Disney on Ice, we ate chippies and watched movies and went for scenic drives. We weren't ruled by hospital visits for treatment although there were still regular doctors appointments these were no longer the focus of our lives.

We will cherish this time with her forever.

On the 23rd of July 2016, Mum passed away peacefully in her sleep. 

  • Hi Tina, I am sorry for your loss. Your mother was a good on line friend and I know she battled hard against this horrible disease.  I'm glad she had some quality time with her family and grand children. She can now rest in peace.  Love Wendy H 67 

  • Hi Tina,

    I'm so very so for your loss. Thank you for taking the time to let us know. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this very sad time for you all. Take care, Karen xox

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Hi Tina,

    My brother Les died of stomach cancer within 6 months of diagnosis. I feel your pain, and understand your grief. Sending you nd your family my sympathy and support during this difficult time. 

    Warmest of wishes, Tracey ♥?

  • Tina I am so sorry for your loss. 

    It does sound that at least you and Sue got to have some prescious family time and that you have made her final months trully happy.

    Thank you for letting up know and take care of yourself at this difficult time.

    Hugs ????????????


  • This brings me to tears.

    I was not next to my mum when she passed the way, as oceans seperated between us.

    Keep well and keep her memories forever.

  • Condokences to you and your family - take comfort in knowing you are a beautiful daughter and gave your dear Mum great comfort and created warm memories to be cherished forever - sending love and hugs ??

  • Hi Tina,

    Thank you so much for taking time out to let everyone in the breast cancer world know about your dear mum, although i have secondaries i  always read the posts here and often saw your mum sending messages of comfort to the ladies here, i can only say how very sorry i am for your loss, it was a lovely way for her to spend that precious time with her family without constant treatment, 

    thank you again,

    wendy 55