Day 6 after surgery

Gerryb Member Posts: 106
thank you ladies for the support and well wishes.

After my initial panic attack at the thought of undergoing surgery, I can safely say that it wasn't as bad as I imagined it would be. Although being in a ward of men for two nights


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Well that is a relief for you to have the surgery behind you.  Not sure I could cope being in a shared ward!  Take time to heal and take care from Christine
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Gerry, good to hear that you're doing OK. Have you made it home yet?? Relax, recuperate and enjoy some if the beautiful weather we are having (hope you are having it at your place too!!)  Xx Cath
  • Melhay
    Melhay Member Posts: 157
    Glad it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be! Onwards & upwards to the next part of your journey :) 
    Mel xx
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    So pleased to hear your surgery is done and not as bad as you expected.  Hope you are healing well Gerry and that everyday is better than the last.  Jane x