Post Chemo

Hey there my ladies - well one week out of my final chemo and my emotional level has been boosted, it is a relief to be over that - I still have radio therapy and also I have to have Herceptin via the port for the next year. In the meantime I feel I have come a long way - Last Monday we went for a drive to a bigger town ('the big smoke') and guess what! No bloody medical appointments - so my husband and I took the drive real slow (probably p'd off any one behind us on the highway at 90ks and hour) and enjoyed the scenery and then when we got to town, and indulged in serious retail therapy! (woo hoo!) It was fantastic and we both had a delightful day together! I bought myself some 'computer games' for my laptop - (detective types), and love them! I still have a serious case of 'chemo mouth' (and as I pointed out to one of the ladies - I don't mean the 'swearing-type chemo mouth) but you know the sort where you feel like you have been chewing tin cans - so hubby invested in some awesome new Tic Tacs called 'Intensity' - (taste like the old chewy-gum 'Stimerol') I tell you now that it sure knocked the socks off that metalic taste! At the end with the last suck you think someone has thrown a grenade in your mouth! Meanwhile I have been going berserk arranging new curtains and decorating our new place - took my mind off every thing! I even got out my best linen (you know the stuff you keep in the back of the linen press in case the Queen pops in for a visit!) I wander through my new home and gloat! Awesome! Hubby has been a darling and he said "You must be getting better! You are getting mighty cheeky!" I just looked at him and grinned with a wicked expression and said "I know!". I was told you develop a certain 'resolve' when you experience what we are going through - and its true - I now have only two boxes, one for the nice people and the other for the type I don't want to deal with any more - and it makes for a much better life; you know you cant change people or things, but you sure as blazes get it figured all out and decide very quickly what is good for you and what is not. I feel a lot stonger emotionally than I have for a long time and it has been a long time coming. I understand there will be days when I won't feel so 'tough' - but either way, I am going to stick it out and tough it out - and if I can lend any hand to you ladies to make you smile, I shall make it a priority. x x x x Josie
Hi Josie, congrats on finishing chemo & good to hear you are doing ok. I have my last one next Thursday. . .so looking forward to it. Yes nothing like a bit of retail thereapy to put the spring back in your step. That is so true what you said about the two boxes. I have found that at the beginning I had lots of support from family & friends but now some of them have dropped off. Hey we can soon be radiation buddies. Hope you continue to feel the way you have been.
Loretta xxx
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Hi there Loretta - I totally get what you mean about 'friends dropping off' - well bugger them I say! You know in times of crisis, you find out who your 'true' friends are don't you. Some times you think you have the plague - but there you go, I don't know what they are frightened of. I certainly didn't go around with an "I got breast cancer' t-shirt on! On the upside, I have found some new friends, and I have'nt even gone out of my way to do so - but I have discovered there are some pretty nice people out there. I have been a naughty girl Loretta, did some more (scaled down) retail therapy today - bought a cute little box that has two dinky cane drawers in it to sit beside my arm chair - crossword & puzzle books in top drawer, sewing, embroidery and crochet in bottom draw - outa sight but not out of mind! We picked out a snazzy modern rug to go in the middle of the lounge room floor...............lucky hubby has my tastes, I only realised that when we were coming home and I thought, he likes what I like! Excellent! I know that sounds corny but I have seen couples argue over such crazy things. Yes we will be radiation buddies, you have me with you all the way! x x x Josie
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Thanks Deb, yeh - the Herceptin thing is a bit of a poo isn't it - they say it isn't as bad as chemo, I have already had my first Herceptin dose and I didn't seem to have any (fingers crossed) adverse reactions. Did you have a porta-cath inserted? many chemo's are you having - I had four. Am waiting for my hair to grow back - not quite resorted to counting each single hair every night, but have considered it! Am so glad to give you a giggle - I look in the mirror and roll around the bathroom floor every night before I get in the shower - kind of "Oh s***t! what the hell's that! - oh, its just me - ha ha ha ha ha!" Yes I know I crack myself up. What I would have loved to own whilst so bald and beautiful is one of those corny hats, you know like the fluffy Tiger ones with the little Tiger ears all fluffy and cute (now I know you think I have lost the plot) but then thats my strange sense of humour (or is it old age?) any way I amuse myself with many strange things and I catch my husband looking at me with a sideward glance and shaking his head - he actually says it to me "you're stange Josie" and I look at him with a blissful romantic look in my face and say "I keep you on your toes Sunshine!" I guess it would not surprise you if I told you I am an artist (no! not a bs artist!) but you know the kind that paints pictures..................says volumes doesn't it! x x x Josie
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Hey Tonya! you remembered the snowballs - yes, I kind of went 'off' them with the chemo but bought my first pack yesterday - hubby said I was already slipping into old habits and I told him to can it! I plan to stay at Rotary house in the town where I will have radiation, it still means leaving home, but still save a motza in petrol. I have been warned about the tiredness. So I wanted to go to Soverign Hill, so I figure we better do that in the first week! I don't like the traveling, but to stay over the week and come home on the weekends will be a better option (I will hate leaving my lovely little home eacy week) but I shouldn't complain. I wouldn't mind going to the cinema while we are there as we don't have a picture theatre here and I can get to see some of the latest movies (if I can drag hubby along - he doesn't like theatres much) but he wont let me down. My sister had radiation too and she said she 'got burnt' - but I spoke to the medics about this and they said they 'keep and eye on things'. Speaking of fried eggs - lately I have had the most amazing craving for a breakfast of sausages, fried egg, tomato & baked beans (you know the good stuff) but have not done so yet - but can't hold out much longer, the desire is turning to obsession! (why did you have to mention fried eggs? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! YUM!) x x x Josie
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Hi josie
Yes i am having 4 chemos as well - doxytaxel and cyclophosomide - have had the first herceptin with the first chemo - so not sure which side effects are which ?!
I am going for my 2nd one on Thursday - I dont have a portocath in at the moment - they have recomended it due to having herceptin but to be honest Im not keen on it and want to see how i go with my veins first - they say the herceptin isnt as hard on the veins as the chemo - but we will have to wait and see. A referral has gone through to the surgeons re getting the portocath inserted but I am in the public system so it will be a while before I see them in any case!
My hair has just started to come out so Im sure that I will be looking forward to seeing it grow back in a few months time too!!
Well i am hoping it will grow back hehe!!!
Great new piccie - you are looking good.
Keep those artistic bits a going and hope you have a great weekend.
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Hi Tonya, yes I think they broke the mould when I came along, and probably a good thing too! Today it's pumkin soup and yes tonight we are having eggs, snags & baked beans - good greif, my mouth is watering!
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You sure got your appetite back! Lots of comfort food today I see.Love your new pic-what a sweet couple you two make.
luv Tonya xx
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Thanks Tonya - I don't think I ever lost my appetite, it just slowed down a bit! I am well over the nausea, I was pretty lucky there. Each day gets better and better! x x x Josie