Advantage of chemo

Leonie Moore
Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
edited May 2011 in General discussion

Now before I commence I want to say that I have nothing against religion as I was brought up a good christian girl.  I do not intend to offend anyone by my funny story and that is just what it is - a funny story.

First I will set the scene - I was on day 5 after chemo and feeling pretty slow.  I was sitting on the front verandah, in my pjs, soaking up the sunshine and enjoying reading a book.  I looked up to see people "stalking" the street.  I immediately knew who they represented (religious fanatics).  My first reaction was to race inside, turn off the television and hide.(as we were told to do as kids)  Then I thought, bugger it I am enjoying the sunshine.  So I stayed sitting and kept reading - also observing what was happening at my unsuspecting new NZ neighbours house next door. I also listened to the persistent "talk" that was happening.  My new neighbour was polite but stern but still they lingered.  I knew I would have "a time of it" to be free of them.  Before the "visitors" left my neighbours I was astonished to see an "out of the blue" fella heading towards my driveway.  Here I thought "I must think quick"  No escaping now in my pjs.  He started down my driveway and I thought "How dare you come on my property uninvited"  Anyway as he got closer something come over me!!!! "Please don't come any further"  I said.  "I'm on chemo and I'm toxic!!!"  "I'm not allowed to be around people".  The look on this fella's face said it all.  He immediately stopped and looked up.  "Oh, maybe next time then"  and he headed off to find his next victim.   I couldn't stop laughing - once they were out of earshot of course.  - it was hiliarious.  Please forgive me God for telling a little white lie!!!!!!!  When I told my husband he ticked  me off for being rude but then added a worse story from his childhood.  Got to have a bit of fun during this nasty time.XLeonie



  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Loved your story Leonie.I say play the cancer card to your advantage.It wasn't a lie cos you were on chemo and no doubt,you probably  FELT toxic.Another good one to pull out is "I'm radioactive".

                                 Tonya xx

  • chemostyle
    chemostyle Member Posts: 150
    edited March 2015


  • Maria333
    Maria333 Member Posts: 191
    edited March 2015

    Leonie I'm with you girl - use it to your advantage.

    How rude coming onto your property uninvited - not a good christian was he - stopping in his tracks and turning. He could have yelled out I will pray for you.

    I can just picture you there in your pjs soaking up the sun.How hilarious.

     Laugh at the universe, laughter is powerful medicine.

    Wonder if he'll come back with a group - be vigilant. LOL.

  • hb
    hb Member Posts: 112
    edited March 2015

    That is priceless, I think I'll try it as a sign on my office door at work!

  • Phyllis
    Phyllis Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2015

    Fantastic....I think you could also have told him.... HE ....was toxic...because I really think those sorts are !!  :-)  Hey, I go to church a couple of times a month, but I never ram it down peoples necks, and I also agree that it's very rude for people to come to your house uninvited, unless they are friends and you know them.  I don't care who they are religious or just salespeople.  When sales people come to our place we just tell them....we don't buy things at the door and we close our door.  I think it's an invasion of privacy.  With telemarketers I just say....sorry I can't hear you...hello, hello, ... no I can't hear you, and I hang up.  I had someone ring twice and the second time as soon as I realised it was them I didn't even say hello, I just hung up.  I can't be bothered with time wasters of any kind.

  • pisces_tas
    pisces_tas Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2015

    a good read..leonie you could write a book ! LOL



  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    Hi Di,  Are you going to Raelene's "bash"?  If so I hope to see you there.  I will be the "shining" one because it will be the first time I have been "out" in years.  I am so looking forward to it especially now that from today I am starting to feel half well.  XLeonie

  • ShirlO
    ShirlO Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Hi there Leonie .... glad to hear you are still going to the "big bash", I'm sure you will be the "shining star".

    The only special instructions I have for you is that "YOU ENJOY YOURSELF TO THE MAX !!!!"

    Maybe the morning after you'll find the other half of well .... but then again.

    Luv .. Shirl xx

  • ShirlO
    ShirlO Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Hi there Leonie .... glad to hear you are still going to the "big bash", I'm sure you will be the "shining star".

    The only special instructions I have for you is that "YOU ENJOY YOURSELF TO THE MAX !!!!"

    Maybe the morning after you'll find the other half of well .... but then again.

    Luv .. Shirl xx