Sharing the good stuff!

Hello everyone, I just checked out the BOM forecast and it hit me like a tonne of bricks, winter really has set in. I am normally pretty consistent with keeping active and eating well but this week has been an absolute write-off. My body has been calling for two things, extra sleep and to eat my body weight in carbs. I am normally quite sensitive to the weather, particularly the cold so I shouldn't be surprised by my current inclination stay curled up in bed. When I feel myself slipping off the radar, I start hunting. I hunt for inspiration and small tips I can chew on that make a difference over time. I thought I'd share what I've come across recently, I saw this article in The Age by a Journo who writes for the New York Times. It's a good little guide to healthy eating.
I have found myself frequenting this website recently - Hey Sigmund is where the science of psychology meets the art of being human. There is an article on this website that I have just printed off, 9 proven ways to fuel your motivation. The reason why I have connected with this website so much is because woven through out these human experiences is scientific research.
And then of course, there is always watching well-trained pups to get your mojo back
Thanks Steph, great articles. love the puppy!
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Hi Steph and other BCNA staff.
I understand that featuring this post is an attempt to shift the mood of the network back to a positive one BUT it feels like another kick in the face to the ladies who are trying to get our message across to you.
Ignoring the situation of the new network and what members are trying to explain to you is just adding to the frustration and disappointment.
To feature this post over LMA's post which has 7 recommendations from members just shows the lack of understanding yet again.
?? Deanne
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Hi Deanne, good to see you are safe and sound but you must be disappointed on missing out on the well planned adventure. What a disaster, very very sad.
I just wanted to let you know that regarding the online network I need to disagree with you about getting our messages heard. I have been in touch with Daina and Jess several times in the past few months, mostly by email so they can get to my issues when they get time amongst their other responsibilities and working on fixes.
We have seen lots of fixes and are due for some more next week I believe. I am mostly focused on the private group, but believe there are several problems being fixed across the website so lots being achieved. I have also seen both the girls responding with details to messages and have been reassured they are doing everything possible to keep things rolling.
Personally I don't think the online network is the place for complaints about the network, especially in the thread of a unrelated post such as this one. There are actually lots of ladies, new members and existing members who are finding their way and embracing the changes and patiently waiting for the fixes. They are happily getting the information they can and connecting with others. Many of us in private groups are managing with work arounds until things are corrected.
If you feel like you are not being heard perhaps try emailing your concerns in a neat list. This is what I do and the problems get logged in a priority order with the developers. Might not be in my order of priority, but hey its not my job and I cant see the big picture. Sometimes I don't get a response to my email but I trust that the issues have been logged. I imagine they receive many emails and it would be a huge time issue responding to them all, so I am happy with that. Id rather they got on with fixes, rather than chatting to me.
I also don't think they are trying to shift the focus from complaints necessarily, but I do believe they may be trying to focus on the purpose of the online network, which is sharing information and support about BC and recovery etc, so naturally a post like that would be featured.
As a online network supported and high level user, like you, our time is probably better spent assisting other less capable users to find what they need, or to fill the gaps as best we can until the network is back on its feet. That's what myself and the other BROG facilitators have been doing in the private group and probably should have been in the main network. I think this will make us part of the solution rather than compounding the problems.
Take care, Louise
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Hi Louise
I get what you are saying and believe that until today I have been doing exactly what you suggest.
BUT this network is NOT functioning as it did. As this affects the ability of people to get and give support then it is a valid thing to discuss on the network.
I apologize for sidetracking this post but genuinely felt that it was extremely disappointing that no one from BCNA responded to the concerns and suggestions of many ladies who are/were regular contributors on here. Instead this post was put up as a featured post ignoring the concerns of so many.
Have you read LMA's post and the comments following?It has been a long time since I have seen a post with 9 recommendations. I don't think people are complaining but are trying to be constructive with their suggestions and trying to get answers. Many of us have tried the email or even a simple personal message but remain in the dark about what is happening.
Yes it has been just awful watching what has happened in Nepal. We have 2 good friends doing their best to help out over there. So much help is needed to get this tiny nation back on its feet.
Take care too. Hope all is well for you.
Deanne xxx
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Daina did respond in an earlier message yesterday than LMA's message. She detailed what was happening.
I have stayed away precisely because there is so much negativity. Clearly the problem is a big one and far reaching, so continuing to harang these poor girls over the same things again and again seems just wrong.
They have given updates, they have made fixes, so if everyone just chilled a bit and exercised some more patience rather than constantly complaining it might be a more useful place to come.
Having this network is not an entitlement that comes with BC. Its a service that was the brainchild of BCNA and right now it they need our support more than ever while they try to correct the debacle.
None of this is a simple fix, there is no going back. Yes it probably could have been approach better/differently but no sense in battering them while they are doing their best in a bad situation. I am certain they are not sitting back doing nothing, quite the contrary, they are under-resourced and working crazy hours to pull things together in a wider context than this online space.
We are resilient women who have battled bigger than this, I am just saying having a normal amount of perspective would be a better way to overcome this challenge.
I am undergoing a similar crisis in my own workplace, and being on the inside of this type of thing is enough to push someone over the edge.
No things are not yet all fixed, but we are not in the dark, we know they are fixing stuff and like Daina's message yesterday we even know what that stuff is. Unfortunately she is relying on others to do their bit too, so the goal posts keep moving.
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sorry, no more long posts
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Not everyone (especially me) has any idea about IT and what is a realistic timeframe for fixes and adjustments. I think many of us have remained patient and tried to just wait it out. Now what people are saying is about how the changes and problems have affected them. The problem comes from a lack of communication to the everyday person who just wants to use the site for support.
I think you are right in saying that staff are under-resourced and under too much pressure. If there was enough of the right type of open communication (takes a lot less time than responding to individual emails and messages) then members would feel a part of the process and feel less disconnected. Many of the people who have 'complained' are absolutely fantastic people who just want to help others. If they felt part of the process then they would be a wonderful source of positivity again.
Like I said in one of my comments, someone needs to explain clearly what the options are (such as no going back). I don't think it is fair that Daina and Jess are having to cope with all of this. BCNA is an organization and effective change should come with support for staff too. Their job should not have to stretch across so many areas and for such a sustained time. I know they care so much about us and the network but they need help. Maybe people speaking up will get them some help. Deanne xxx