Hello, welcome and HOORAY!

Hello! I just wanted to send a warm welcome to some of our newest members. If you feel comfortable, please feel free to introduce yourself to our special group! I was so excited to see that we have hit over 100 members!!! I really hope our little community continues to grow. I also wanted to share our latest issue of the Active and Well e-newsletter. This issue is all about emotional wellbeing, I hope you enjoy the read You can access earlier issues of Active and Well on the physical wellbeing section of our website along with our Exercise and Breast Cancer and Healthy eating and Breast Cancer booklets right here.
Please get in touch with me if you have any questions or if you need a hand getting connected sfletcher@bcna.org.au.
X Steph
Thanks Steph
A great brochure hun full of good information.
I know of 2 luvly yoga teachers over my way here in Perth. I also go to Studio Pilates and I do meditation every day or deep breathing.
This along with other things has helped me immensely and to work through some very tough times.
Things are at a bit of a standstill while I heal from my latest surgery but I am biting at the bit to get back in to it.
Luv n light, Mich xoxooxxo