Hi well Marilyn ,Llesslee , Bev ,Mary and i got together on the 1st of june to discuss the group. after our last luncheon i was ready to leave as felt it wasnt the group i had joined , we all agreed the group has lost focus and needs to return to being a support group only as to much out side influences are taking over , the group has been getting moved more and more into fundraising which is not the purpose of the group.
we felt that we needed to have time for just newly diagnosed and those having treatment or survivors only. and at the moment that is the last friday of the month from 11am to 12noon at either the Delatite or the Deck in a private room where we can talk and answer questions and have a quiet cuppa before going at 12 out to another area for lunch as usual with all the others in the group. this is a trial period until next year,
Marilyn and Lleslee wish to step back from the leader ship roles and just be back up as of the end of this year, they hope Mary Covill will lead as she is very keen and wants the group to be mainly for support only and be separate from fundraising to which i agree wholeheartedly. i shall remain as co facilitator and help Mary as much as she requires, bu i also hope to persue more of my BCNA Community Liaison work in 2012.
this mat tread on some toes but can not be helped we have found some people have left because it wasnt just a support group which is what they wanted,
soooo will keep you posted. onwards and forwards, could be interesting.
I think Marilyn should ask all in the group if anyony is interested in taking over from her . Their are survivers who have been part of the group for a long time and i am only a "' newwie"" , Mary
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I think Marilyn should ask all in the group if anyony is interested in taking over from her . Their are survivers who have been part of the group for a long time and i am only a "' newwie"" , Mary
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the problem is no one has the balls to say no to any one or step up. and honestly if you dont want to saqy so i dont wont to do it i dont mind helping but there is to much bitchyness for my liking and i dont think the 11 to 12 will work but wait and see i guess.
if you do decide to be head i will back you up but honetly up to you,
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Well more news , Marilyn and Lleslee want to take a step back from being in charge and let others be head facilitators as of October after relay for life. this will begin. they will still be a major part to the group and still support people and those within the group, but on a more lay back level after nearly 6 years they felt what with Family and work commitments it was becoming to difficult.. so as of the middle of October the head facilitator will be Mary Covill and Fran will continue as co-Facilitator and secretary.and still continue her Community liaison for BCNA. Mary will also be undertaking the Liaison course later in the year. Marilyn and Lleslee asked Mary and Fran to take the lead as they said they wanted people that had continued with training and were more assessable and also agree that Can care had begun to loose it's way and was becoming more a fundraising/ social and business like group rather than a support group which is not what was intended when started.
we all hope to take the group back to how it should be and just offer support, we will still hold our last friday of the month lunches at either the Delatite or the Deck.. will post dates etc later. we will still meet up with people privately when required, and
we hope to have occasional visits from speakers to up date us on what is available to us. re cancer and support.
the funraising will not be discussed at our lunches, and if anyone is considering faundraising we will arrange a different day to meet and discuss.
So Mary and Fran will be doing this as a trial from Oct/ to Feb to see if we still get the support and if people return to the group or if it is still viable.
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Well more news , Marilyn and Lleslee want to take a step back from being in charge and let others be head facilitators as of October after relay for life. this will begin. they will still be a major part to the group and still support people and those within the group, but on a more lay back level after nearly 6 years they felt what with Family and work commitments it was becoming to difficult.. so as of the middle of October the head facilitator will be Mary Covill and Fran will continue as co-Facilitator and secretary.and still continue her Community liaison for BCNA. Mary will also be undertaking the Liaison course later in the year. Marilyn and Lleslee asked Mary and Fran to take the lead as they said they wanted people that had continued with training and were more assessable and also agree that Can care had begun to loose it's way and was becoming more a fundraising/ social and business like group rather than a support group which is not what was intended when started.
we all hope to take the group back to how it should be and just offer support, we will still hold our last friday of the month lunches at either the Delatite or the Deck.. will post dates etc later. we will still meet up with people privately when required, and
we hope to have occasional visits from speakers to up date us on what is available to us. re cancer and support.
the funraising will not be discussed at our lunches, and if anyone is considering faundraising we will arrange a different day to meet and discuss.
So Mary and Fran will be doing this as a trial from Oct/ to Feb to see if we still get the support and if people return to the group or if it is still viable.