Choosing a bra after a lumpectomy

twhi8749 Member Posts: 47
edited January 2015 in Health and wellbeing

Found myself in Myer yesterday browsing the bra racks.  Selecting bras that are comfortable to wear on a daily basis but also to sleep in after a lumpectomy, is not  easy.  

My excision scar stretches quite high across my breast so one that covered the scar tissue was necessary.  I found those bras that had seams across the cup rubbed the area and lace bras irritated my skin.  Cotton bras did not mould well to the breast because they sunk in the area where my tumour had been removed and had no stretch because my breast is now slightly larger than before.

Twenty bras later, I finally found one that I could wear during the day and also at night which feels like a second skin.  It moulds over both my breasts and the lumpectomy area is now invisible as is my larger breast.   It fits like a glove and  has  reduced bounce when walking.  It certainly has given me a lovely shape and looks pretty too.  I bought a couple to wear over the next month whilst is recovery mode.  One to wear during the day (I wash at night) and one for  nightwear (wash during the day).

Which bra you may ask - The Playtex 18 hour Ultimate Lift and Support Wirefree Bra, style p4745.  This bra is definitely suitable for me but of couse, it may not suit you.

My adivce is to try on as many bras as you can.   Sizes differ so ask an assistant to help with running backwards and forwards for you.  When I mentioned that I had had a lumpectomy the asisstant in Myer could not have been more helpful and dropped everything to assist me (she called for someone else to take over the till).

Oh and be aware of those bright white lights in the changing room ... quite a shock to see my breast and scar in all its glory with its colourful bruising, but it's looking so much better than it did after my operation.



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  • mgndam1603
    mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    prior to my surgery and in readiness I went to a bra specialist called Brava.

    I got some fantastic bras no seams and fitted to suit my shape. They are awesome and have shops dotted around Melbourne and an online store.

    It took me some time before I could go back into an underwire bra, just way too uncomfortable for me.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015

    Just jumping in to see if you received the BCNA My Care Kit from your breast care nurse? The kit contains a comfortable Berlei post-surgery bra and some helpful resource. If you would like more information, give BCNA a call on 1800 500 258 or touch base with your breast cancer nurse. :-)


  • twhi8749
    twhi8749 Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2015

    Hi Daina,

    I did receive BCNA My Care kit which  my breast care nurse ordered for me.  The kit did not contain a Berlei post-surgery bra may be because I only had a lumpectomy.  I did buy a Berlei front opening bra for breast cancer in Myer before my operation but found it uncomfortable as it did not quite cover my scar.

    The My Care kit is wonderful and very informative and I am finding it more than useful.



  • twhi8749
    twhi8749 Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2015

    Hi Donna

    Thanks for the info.  Unfortunately, having searched the internet, we do not have a store in Hobart but I see they do have an online stores.  Sounds a great store and it would be much better to be fitted rather than fit yourself, as I did but my Playtex is very comfy and I followed the instructions on the wall in Myer as to how to fit yourself a bra so didn't do too badly.  



  • mgndam1603
    mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
    edited March 2015

    I am 2 years post surgery and 14 months post radiation and I have only in the last couple of months gone full-time back into regular bras.

    I still get a little discomfort but not to the extend that i did. It takes some time for everything to settle after all they put us through.


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