breast obsession

I find I am constantly looking at women's cleavage and feeling angry. If there wasn't such an obession with having big breasts then the implants would come in smaller sizes and I would not have to have a second operation.
I just want this all to be over so I can go back to my life. But all the things say you don't "go back" afterwards - there is only "new normal". What if I liked the old normal?
Hi, I can understand some of your frustration, i am sitting here in hospital, unable to sleep and in intense pain (i just had a bilateral mastectomy and the begining of reconstruction two days ago), I am hoping i like the 'new normal' when this speed bump is over so that it can somehow justify that the pain was truely worth it. We cannot control what life is throwing at us, everyone's journey is unique, but try (even though it is almost impossible at times) to look on the brighter side of things, you have your life, there are people worse off than us. Yes it will take a bit of getting used to the new you, yes the next operation will more than likely hurt (i have been told it is not as bad as the first), i am looking at things in a whole new perspective now and i will embrace life even more so than i did before, Of coarse I will miss the old normal, but I take each day as it comes and even though it is morbid at times I try to see a positive or funny side in almost everything (this helps to keep me sane), and hell not many people get the chance to choose what they want their nipples to look like.............i am still tossing up between stars or butterflies
Hold your head up high and be proud of you, besides who sets the guidelines up on what is or is not normal? Take care
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Go Kim. I love the way you think. Personally I would go the butterflies. What a great choice. I had never thought that there was a choice when it came to nipples. Trust you young things to go with it. Good on you. I'm off for my third chemo tomorrow and these drugs have hyped me up. I will never be a drug addict as I know that a big boulder is coming to hit me on Sunday after I stop them on Saturday night!!! Must try and get some sleep now. I hope you are able to as well. Keep going as you are and you will be a very big WINNER in life. XLeonie
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Woops forgot to write the word tattooed, not going to get nipples reconstructed getting tattoos in there place. Oh and sleep well
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Hi Ladies
Yep it is a sucky time right now, but the new normal is better than the old. I actually love myself now, not in the sense that I look in the mirror and go "whoo you are hot" but I have more confidence and love for myself.
I had a bilaterial with expander and implants and went back in March this year for the expander exchange and a little rearrange and whilst they are not perfect, I am happy enough.
I was diagnosed in 2007 when I was 36 but only chose to have reconstruction last year. I am not having nipples, my poor ole battered boobies are to beat up to dress up for nipples. lol
Take care, hang in there it gets better, I promise xx
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Hi Ladies
Yep it is a sucky time right now, but the new normal is better than the old. I actually love myself now, not in the sense that I look in the mirror and go "whoo you are hot" but I have more confidence and love for myself.
I had a bilaterial with expander and implants and went back in March this year for the expander exchange and a little rearrange and whilst they are not perfect, I am happy enough.
I was diagnosed in 2007 when I was 36 but only chose to have reconstruction last year. I am not having nipples, my poor ole battered boobies are to beat up to dress up for nipples. lol
Take care, hang in there it gets better, I promise xx
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Hi Tanya,
I feel like this whole thing has given me more confidence in a way too. I have dealt with a lot of crappy things and yet I am still me. Yesterday, I went out in public without a headcovering for the first time in nearly 6 months. My hair is still extremely short and beforehand I wouldn't have thought I would be prepared to go out with it that short. But, if people look at me & think "there's a cancer patient" or possibly "there's a girl skinhead how strange" then that doesn't matter anymore. Having said that, only my closest family got to see my bald head and I think my hair doesn't look too bad now in spite of being so short.