Mother's Day Classic

Hi Ladies!!
I am taking part in this years Mother's Day Classic (May 8) by walking 4km and raising vital funds for breast cancer research. Every extra dollar i raise thru fundraising goes towards vital research into the prevention and cure of breast cancer. I will be participating along with 100,000 Australians nationwide who are making a difference on Mother's Day and taking steps to save lives by helping fund the best breast cancer research!
So, come on... Help me make a difference and help all of us affected by breast cancer.
As i can understand... donating may be the very last thing on some your minds at the moment... but thats ok... just forward my link to anyone you feel may want to donate!! The more people you spread the word to... the more people can donate... and the more funds we can raise!!
The above is the link to my sponsorship page. It also tells you a little about myself.
If you'd like to know more about the Mother's Day Classic, go to
Thanking you all in advance!!
Love & Lopsided Hugs
Hi Michelle
I am doing it too in Brisbane I presume you are doing the one on the Gold Coast? Good luck .
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Hi Michelle
I am doing it too in Brisbane I presume you are doing the one on the Gold Coast? Good luck .
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Hey Sarah!
Firstly congrats on finishing ur chemo!! YEAY!!! What a feeling.... i have 12 weeks to go... on the countdown! Then i start tamoxifen too... so, how is it going?
Secondly... U GO GIRL!!!!! Are u walking from Southbank?
Oh.. i read in ur blog... u have a Schnauser - Max! I think i read he is 7yrs old? I have a beautiful boy too... Boston the Boxer dog... he is 7 and still my baby ;o) I love Schnausers.... love their scruffy little chops ;o)
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Hi Michelle
Last year I did the 8k run - the first run I have ever done and my husband and kids were there to cheer me on (rather than laugh at me like my Pe teacher had done at school).
This year, the MDC falls just before my third chemo so we have registered to do the 4k walk in Melbourne as a family. I can't wait to get out there among the thousands again but this time I feel like I am walking for my own life!
Amanda xx
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Hey Sarah!
Congratulations on finishing your chemo! That's pretty exciting. I'm doing the 8km walk with my family and friends for the 4th year this year - we have such a great time. We get to have a lovely catch up chat as we walk.
Good luck on your walk
x Evie
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Hey Sarah!
Congratulations on finishing your chemo! That's pretty exciting. I'm doing the 8km walk with my family and friends for the 4th year this year - we have such a great time. We get to have a lovely catch up chat as we walk.
Good luck on your walk
x Evie
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Hey Sarah!
Congratulations on finishing your chemo! That's pretty exciting. I'm doing the 8km walk with my family and friends for the 4th year this year - we have such a great time. We get to have a lovely catch up chat as we walk.
Good luck on your walk
x Evie
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Hi Michelle and Boston
Thanks for your message. I have also finished radiation in Feb and have now completed nearly 3 weeks back at work and all is well.
The tamoxifen hasn't really made much difference to the hot flashes I was already having but I do find myself very sweaty at work as it is quite hot there and lots of my colleagues have said it is hot but none of them have water dripping off the end of their nose like me!! That seesm to be the only difference I have noted. I am sort of dieting so haven't put on any weight have lost 6 kgs (put on 10kgs with chemo) . One thing I did do was take half a tablet for 2 weeks and then the whole tablet I read it on a blog here and thought it was a great idea worked for me. I also take the tablet at night as my oncologist said if I got headaches I could have it in my sleep lol!!
Yup doing my walk at SouthBank. Max would love to come along as he is so sociable but I noticed NO DOGS allowed! He has very scruffy chops at the moment needs to go for a clip. I am sure you are finding your dog is just there for you when you are at home and recovering from treatments. Max was very intuitive and was just around all the time. We have been doing some long walks now to get ready for the Walk on the 8th. When I was in hospital for my surgery he lay on the rug by the front door all night waiting for me to come home my husband said he didn't sleep in his bed at all - he sleeps next to us in his bed in our bedroom!!
Hope the rest of your chemo goes ok and enjoy your walk on the 8th we'll have to blog after to see how we went!
Take care
Sarah and Max xx
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Hey Sarah & Max,
Like you, i have just started "training" for the walk. I started back at gym last week... went nice and light... and... still couldn't walk for days... and i mean coudln't walk... i had to grip to the stair rail coming down stairs... i literally had NO strength in my legs... sad... but a big wake up!! Its amazing how much u decondition... and how quickly it happens!!
Boston, like Max... is amazing... intuition amazes me!! Often if i was napping, he'd just rest his gorgeous head on my tummy... or if i was sitting on the floor... he'd sit between my legs and literally give me a hug. I don't know what i'd do without him ;o) We have certainly shared this journey together... he was diagnosed with a mast cell tumour in Feb... apparently very aggressive & nasty... luck was on our side... and after rather large surgery... he is supposedly all clear...I am still least with us they cover us by using chemo... not so for Boston. The tumour just looked like a little mole poking out from under his fur behind his shoulder... didn't at all look nasty, i just knew it had never been there before. But from what was only pinky nail size, his suture line was about 15cm!! He is good now tho... back to his cheeky playful self.
Im not sure if i need radiation... am seeing my onc this arvo... i keep forgetting to ask the question... so i'll add it to the list!! The other question i need to find out is when i might be able to harvest some eggs for fertility preservation. I didn't have time before chemo started, plus i was advised against it... it would have post poned chemo! You never know... i still may be able to conceive naturally when ALL this is over, but i thought what a great back up!!
I'm hoping to go back to work soon, my last white cell count was pathetic... so crossing fingers my onc is ok with my return. I feel so much better on the taxol/carboplatin than i ever did on FEC. Plus i need some mental stimulus.... sooooo over being at home!! No offence Boston LOL
How are you finding work?? Are u exhausted at the end of each day, or are u finding ur doing ok? Are u working full-time? Oh... and... if u were on taxol.... did u lose ur fingernails? I'm on 3rd weekly taxol/carboplatin... ive been told its a high possibilty my fingernails will go black, then fall out!!
Hoping ur feeling fab... all the best in the walk... make sure u get some piccy's and post them after
Michelle & Boston
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Hi Michelle and Boston
Good to hear back from you. Sorry to hear Boston has had his dramas too. Our last schnauzer (a mini one Max is a medium) Muzzy had a very agressive tumour of the blood vessels which started in his spleen, it had spread to his little liver though, we were able to give him chemo (in New Zealand) and he had another good 6 months it also gave us time to accept he was going to die (very hard Brian cried for a long time I met Brian when he had Muzz). We weren't going to have another dog but we missed having some one running to greet you with unconditional love and sucombed!! We are so glad we did Max was a "not wanted" dog and wild as anything when he came to us at 8 months but he is now a love sponge and kisses and loves cuddles, some times he thinks he's a lap dog and all 26kgs of him will launch into Brian's lap he's very careful with me, he's aware that something happened to me. Mind you I haven't left my breast prosthesis anywhere he could find it cos I reckon he'd like a chew of it!! Very expensive chew! We found a lump near Max's penis last week and it was analysed and is luckily just a fatty lump but we'll get it taken out. We were really scared that it was something horrible would be so hard. You must have found a good vet hospital if it's all clear.
Work is going ok thanks I work as an RN on a sugical ward (where I had my surgery) I work one day on one day off and only 3 days a week so don't get too tired. I normally do 4 days a week so will work up to that in the next few months,
Some positive news for you is that when I had my chemo they proudly showed me the baby board in Oncology that displays all the babies born after chemo. They even warned me (51 at the time) that I could get pregnant while having chemo ! I only had one period after that and none since so think I have dried up!
I had taxol 6 times 3 weeks apart along with cyclophosphamide. My nails were fine just got ridges on them which are growing out now. I did use nail hardner from the pack they give you not sure if it helped but like to think it did! I had to have those neulastin injections after each chemo as the first one left me with zero neutrophils and ended up in hospital on IV anti-biotcs, they gave me terrible aches and pains for a few days worst place was my neck!!
I am feeling good you will soon too once the chemo is done everything else is a breeze!
Rock on
Sarah and Max xx
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Hey Sarah & Max,
Wow.. small world i am a nurse too
) I am a clinical nurse working in infectious diseases. I haven't worked since just after my first chemo! Lucky for me i had heaps of leave up my sleeve!! I am hoping to go back in the next few weeks!! YEAY!!! I plan on starting with 3 days a week, then building back up to full-time. Isn't it funny... when ur there... u don't want to be... and when you're not there.... and just want to be part of it all!! HAHa
Which hospital are u at?? My twin works at PAH in the spinal ward.
I had nuelasta too, but when i was on the FEC. Maybe its the cyclophos component?? I am sooo happy ur nails didn't fall off!! Crossed fingers mine dont either. I've just started using Dr Lewinn's nail strengthener... it was recommended on a few breast cancer forums... but i wasn't given or advised anything from my chemo place!! What was the product u'rs gave u?
Thank you for the confidence with the babies too! I saw my onc yest... his happy (well, sort of) for my to do some egg harvesting in december..and i may have to have radiation... but wont be seeing the radiation specialist till after my 4th taxol/carbo. I guess radiation is a breeze..compared to chemo!!
Like you, i met my partner (hubby to be) with his dog (Major - a boxer). Thats how i fell in love with the breed.. and my fiance ;o) But, poor Major got liver cancer when he was 9. We too tried chemo... it was working for a little while.. but then he started struggling with breathing (tumour on the lung)... thats when we chose to relieve him of his suffering. Sadest day in my life, but also the most rewarding... i felt blessed to have known him, and even more blessed i had the ability to save him for further pain & suffering! I hope Australia works out euthanasia (would need tight controls & guidelines).
Big kiss & cuddle to u both
p.s Boston weighs 42kg!! BIG lean boy
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HI Michelle and Boston
It is a small world - nurses we make the worst patients! I had so many dramas with my mastectomy if you've read my story you'll know! The nail hardener I used was just manicare intensive nail hardener. Didn't you get a nice Taxol pack with nail stuff gloves and mouth care products? I work at Redcliffe hospital its small but friendly and have great people. i had all my chemo there but had to go to RBH for the radiation. I have done all sorts with my nursing and since we moved to Australia in 2007 am winding down and enjoy just working shifts again. Love the fact that when you leave someone else takes over the care and you can forget about it until you return. I had 10 months off. I accessed my Q Super for income protection and they have been paying me, so still have all my leave!
Good luck again with everything but stay in touch.
Sarah and the gorgeous Max xx