Mich x
Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
edited April 2014 in Health and wellbeing

Hey ladies

Bet you didn't expect me back so soon.  You don't hear from me and then I blast you with posts.

I forgot to mention two things.

One is that I have been doing an 8 week exercise course through Encore which is run free through YWCA/YMCA for anyone who has had breast cancer at any stage and any time.  There are women in my group 5years post.  You are able to do the program twice.  It runs for 2hours and they have a guest speaker; then you do some land exercises and then you do some pool exercises in hydro pool.  It is fabulous for people like me trying to get back in to exercise.  (Me so I can walk around in Bali and help with brother inlaw and also to be fitter and healthier for my next surgery in May).  This program has done exactly what I wanted it to do and that is to put me in the right head space to then go ahead and join the leisure centre close by where I do a Living Longer Living Stronger land and gym based program and also doing the water aerobics plus walking my dog.  It helped to turn a switch on in my brain which I so needed.

Second is that I very much have BCNA to thank for.......As I have been contacted by a beautiful lady from London UK who also has a diagnosis of Post Radiation Morphea.  She is so lucky that it is not to the degree of mine but we have become sisters through BCNA and through our Morphea diagnosis....She has just had her third fat grafting session.  Amazing that we are both having the same thing.  We have hopefully put our surgeons in contact with each other so they can confir and hopefully it will benefit us or the poor next soul that has to deal with this horrid diagnosis.

I am so grateful in so many many many ways for BCNAalready over the last 21/2 years and I have just been given another wonderful reason to be grateful to such a wonderful organisation.

I thank you from the very bottom of my heart BCNA.

Luv all u guys and sending you hope, luv and happiness today tomorrow and always.  Mich xoxoxoxo


  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    This is a powerful post about BCNA,and what they have done for you.Wind the clock back a few years,and most of us would not have even had BC in our minds,let alone in our lives.I am sure that it has created new friendships for a lot of us,and taken our lives in new directions,a lot of which are so beneficial:) I am so happy to hear that you are loving your exercise program ,because I also am crazy about exercise.It helps us in so many ways.Makes us FEEL better,and also gives us back our physical strength and health.All the best to you Mich.xoxoRobyn
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited March 2015
    Firstly it is nice to see your posts both here and in the breast reconstruction page. You are often in my thoughts. I too did the encore program( I have lymphedema) and it is brilliant. My lymphedema is really under control now. I do however do lots of simple exercises (learned at encore) and a daily lymphatic massage. I think the more you put in, the more you get out. I am so thrilled for you that you have found someone else to communicate with in regards to your diagnosis. As we all know from this wonderful site, things are much easier shared with those who get what we are going through.
    Take care.
    I think you are amazing.
    Paula x
  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015

    Thanks beautiful luvlies

    It is so nice to chat with you again.

    There is also an exercise/yoga/meditation etc that Cancer Council do and it is called Life Now.

    Paula, I am learning that exercise is so good for lymphodema in any part of your body.  Also water exercises are fantastic.  You can do so much more with the support of the water.

    You are right Robyn BCNA has given us all so very much.  We are so lucky to have found them.

    Luv u guys always, Mich xoxoxoxoox