My Breast Cancer Journey

My cancer journey started in August of 2011, two days after my 46th birthday!
I wasn't a regular breast checker or had utilised the early detection mammogram network. I had mammograms before don't get me wrong, but I always passed those with flying colours. NEVER imagining I would develop an early breast cancer. Besides why would I have cancer? I was only in my mid forties? Could not happen to me could it? My mother hadn't had it nor my sisters?
I found the 3cm tumor by chance whilst in the bath washing under my left arm and breast. The very moment I found that lump I knew it was cancer. In my mind flashed the image of me going through chemo and losing my breast. My husband, children and I were terrified of my testing to come. I was hoping my instincts were wrong! A mammogram, ultra sound and biopsy proved the unthinkable!!!
Luckily for me my breast was saved and the tumor was removed. I named my tumor 'Norbit' because it was a terrible name for a terrible thing that had taken over my body and my life!!!
Chemo followed soon after my recovery from surgery, where I became very ill losing my hair and my dignanty. I also have an Autoimmune Disease that caused havoc with my treatment and my body. Blood clots also hampered my recovery from everything being thrown at me to ensure my survival. I even went to see a psychiatrist to help me with my struggle through cancer! This helped me immensley as I also came to terms with some other demons in my life too!
But...I am here today to tell the tale which is all that matters! So after 29 sessions of Radiotherapy and 6 sessions of chemo I decided to buy a 7 day a week business. Brave? Stupid? Crazy? All Three? Anyway I did it and met some fellow sufferers and survivors during my time as owner along the way. Since I sold the shop this last February I have realised that like the words of 'Forrest Gump' you really do not know what type of life you are going to have? We should all try to make the most and best of it and take chances in your life no matter what the outcome!
I have decided through some gentle nudging of family and friends to attend 'FOW 2014' in Melbourne this May. I will stand proudly with the other men and women who have been through breast cancer like me, and embrace life to its fullest dressed in my pretty pink poncho. My kids are coming too which will be awesome to say the least.
I am now in my third year since having the cancer change my life. As terrible as it was to go through, I am now a much stronger and more couragous woman. I lived my dream of owning my own business and managed to strike off something that meant so much to me, off my 'Bucket List.' Now I have to get to Paris with my husband to take the next important thing off the list and think of other things to put on there and do before i die.
Be brave everyone and know that if I can do it? so can you.
Thanks for your open and honest testimony about your journey.It is great on here to hear from someone that is down the track,if you know what I mean. So many posts on here are from people in the middle of treatment,or about to start,and to hear your story makes us realise that life does go on.I agree with you 100 per cent when you say we should take chances in our lives,and make the most of what comes our way.Enjoy your night with your family at FOW in Melbourne,and thanks again for your post.Cheers Robyn xox1
It's good to hear the perspective of someone down the track as Robyn put it. Thank-you for sharing your story and I hope that you get to Paris with your husband one day soon. Enjoy the experience of FOW, I hope to do this one day too! Take care. Deanne xxx1
Thanks Robyn,
Being this far down the track has taught me to be more open with my breast cancer and subsequent remission.
Especially talking to my customers from my shop who have either been through cancer or are going through it at this point in time. One customer told me what an ispiration I am to her daughter who is currently going through breast cancer and her last session of chemo and is about to start radiotherapy soon after. When she heard I was selling my shop Pat started to cry! I gave her a big hug and I told her that I will always be there to help Jan on her journey.
'Sharing is Caring' as they say and I am looking forward to an awesome night at 'FOW 2014.' Embracing the cause with the wonderful men and women sufferers or survivors and their families and friends. Also sharing the experience with my beautiful children who suffered along with me and celebrated with me too!
xxx Mia.
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Thanks for sharing ure journey gives me positive thoughts when I read everyone's journeys I'm just starting my treatment when I go Wednesday for my very first appointment I'm scared as anything but I'm going to be fine1
Thanks for sharing ure journey gives me positive thoughts when I read everyone's journeys I'm just starting my treatment when I go Wednesday for my very first appointment I'm scared as anything but I'm going to be fine0
Hi Liz,
You can do this ok!!!
Just keep on keeping on Liz. I wish you so much luck and just know you are not alone with this pause in your life!!! Take whatever help is offered to you by friends and family because they love you and know you the best remember??? Let your doctors guide you along your journey and listen to their advice but remember to keep a diary and write EVERYTHING down and I mean everything. Take another person to your appointments and ask questions about whatever you want to know, whatever that is??? Don't be afraid to ask what you might think is an irrelivant or a stupid question ok???
Have faith and confidence in yourself and your instincts in what is going on with your journey through breast cancer. And don't be afraid because one day soon it will all be over and you will be a hero like me and many others who can now say "I am a breast cancer survivor and a strong woman'BEST OF LUCK!!!!!
Keep your blog up to date and take care always XXXMia
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Thanks Mia I will keep up to date with everything f0
That's what i'm talking about huny!!!
You go girl, woohoo!!!
Take care Always XXX Mia