hair saga

TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
edited March 2011 in Health and wellbeing

It has now been 8months since I had chemo. I think I've seen high rise buildings go up  quicker than my hair! I can't do anything with these chemo curls-they have a mind of their own.I look in the mirror and can hardly recognize myself.Wish I could embrace the new look and skip out the front door.I try but then chicken out and put on a headband.I have a drawer full of headbands now.I know I'm lucky to be alive and shouldn't be so vain. But somewhere along this journey of losing body bits and confidence,I lost the image that was "me".


  • di-p52
    di-p52 Member Posts: 89
    edited March 2015

    Hi Tonya,


    I lost every hair on my body (must say I was quite happy with the look and happy to go without scarves, hats, etc, as they made me more self concious).

    When mine grew back it was very fuzzy, like baby hair - I just kept getting the fuzzy wispy bits trimmed off and now it is quite reasonable.   It is still very soft, but I wear it short and spikey anyway.  Try getting a couple of trims and see if it makes a difference.

    Good luck

    Di  :)

  • Dot42
    Dot42 Member Posts: 120
    edited March 2015

    I agree exactly with you.  My hair was dark with only a few grey hairs, now it just starting to grow back and it looks like there is a lot of grey there.  I have put on heaps of weight with the chemo.  Now I am going to start tamoxifen which apparantly will make me put on more weight.  I already had to buy new clothes to fit into. Then of course the reminder of losing your breasts. 

    I feel like I am cancer Dot. I just want to be the old Dot.  Yes I too are glad that I am alive and dont want to miss out on my kids lives.  But what happen to the spirit of the old Dot. 

    Sorry no advice, just I get what you are saying.

    love Dot xxx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Dot for your thoughts.I'm sorry you feel like this too but at the same time it's good to know I'm not the only one grieving for my old self.It's a big chunk of time out of your life this cancer journey.And even when it's over you look like a cancer person for ages.I've put on abit of weight too and it's really hard to shift it.I don't feel like exercising much in this heat cos tamoxifen gives me hot flushes- I have a heap of excuses!!! I guess in time we'll adapt to our new selves.Take care.

                                                       Tonya xx

  • chemostyle
    chemostyle Member Posts: 150
    edited March 2015

    Hi Tonya,

    I have Chemo Curls too...  It has been a year now, my hair it just pass my year.   It took my a year to grow this ...

    A Quick advise - get a new Hair dresser who didn't know you before ... explain your pain and what do you want to acheive ... you will be amaze with a new Hair Dresser's touch and little gel here, a little blow drying there ... you might decide to embrace your new-self ...

    It is midnight .. got to hit the sack ... will write more tomorrow.

    P.s. Do join me on Chemo Style Group  ... lets work out how we can help you "Looking fabulous" and embrace your new self - the Strong Survivor.


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Hi chemostyle,

    I looked into getting a new hairdresser yesterday would you believe.I want an expert in colour and someone understanding of my situation.I'm hoping to have something done with my hair next week. Thanks for your encouragement.


  • moira1
    moira1 Member Posts: 449
    edited March 2015

    look forward to seeing the new look tonya soon then.  hope you get the desired effect. new hairdresser seems like a good idea, GOOD LUCK X   I also put weight on during treatment , but without trying to i lost 10 kilos in 18months after treatment., so hopefully it the same for everyone, it will gradually come back to normal

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Moira,that's good to know about the weight thing.It's really strange that you put on weight from chemo when you don't feel like eating.I think my weight gain might be from Tamoxifen -hey,got to blame something!

                                          Tonya xx

  • louiseg
    louiseg Member Posts: 412
    edited March 2015

    I understand what everyone is saying....I want the old me back too :(  I am sick of not knowing what my body is doing.

    My hair is coming back (slowly but a lot of grey!) but I think it will still be months before I can go without my wig.

    My weight seems to have stabilised again...although at about 5kg heavier than I was before I started chemo/Tamoxifen.

    Now my periods seem to have come back with a venegance - really really heavy (changing tampons every hour) and I don't know what to do about that!  I am really crampy and feel really down today.

    Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day :(


  • louiseg
    louiseg Member Posts: 412
    edited March 2015

    I understand what everyone is saying....I want the old me back too :(  I am sick of not knowing what my body is doing.

    My hair is coming back (slowly but a lot of grey!) but I think it will still be months before I can go without my wig.

    My weight seems to have stabilised again...although at about 5kg heavier than I was before I started chemo/Tamoxifen.

    Now my periods seem to have come back with a venegance - really really heavy (changing tampons every hour) and I don't know what to do about that!  I am really crampy and feel really down today.

    Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day :(


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Hi Louise,

    You can't control those hormones-they have a mind of their own.Seems like alot of bleeding though.Leading up to menopause I would get heavy,irregular periods.It makes you so tired.Hey,in another few months you'll be up to the headband stage!! Honestly it grows so slowly.Hope you feel better tomorrow.

                              Tonya xx

  • kittykat
    kittykat Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2015

    Hi Tonya,

    The appearance change is so difficult to deal with.  During chemo I was completely bald with no eyebrows and eyelashes, grey tinged skin, and body bloated up like a dead fish.  Very hard to keep your spirits up when you look like that and the only thing that fits you is one pair of trakky dacs!!

    When I was bald I made the decision that however my hair grew back I would accept it and go au naturel.  Well, when it grew back curly and grey I quickly changed my tune!  I looked ridiculous (I am only 42 and had no grey hair before).  So off I went to the hairdressers for a beautiful natural looking tint and it made the world of difference to how I felt about myself.  The curls are difficult.  I stick my head under the tap every morning and give it a bit of a blow dry to straighten the front bit and it looks okay.  I'm going to grow it into a bob which I think would look quite pretty with waves. 

    What is depressing for me is that my eyebrows and eyelashes only half grew back and I don't look like I did before at all. 

    I do think Tamoxifen affects your weight.  I stacked on 10kg very quickly and am slowly losing it again - heaps of exercise and eating much less.  5kg lost already. 

    You can do it! Make yourself and your health and fitness a priority!!



  • kittykat
    kittykat Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2015

    Hi Tonya,

    The appearance change is so difficult to deal with.  During chemo I was completely bald with no eyebrows and eyelashes, grey tinged skin, and body bloated up like a dead fish.  Very hard to keep your spirits up when you look like that and the only thing that fits you is one pair of trakky dacs!!

    When I was bald I made the decision that however my hair grew back I would accept it and go au naturel.  Well, when it grew back curly and grey I quickly changed my tune!  I looked ridiculous (I am only 42 and had no grey hair before).  So off I went to the hairdressers for a beautiful natural looking tint and it made the world of difference to how I felt about myself.  The curls are difficult.  I stick my head under the tap every morning and give it a bit of a blow dry to straighten the front bit and it looks okay.  I'm going to grow it into a bob which I think would look quite pretty with waves. 

    What is depressing for me is that my eyebrows and eyelashes only half grew back and I don't look like I did before at all. 

    I do think Tamoxifen affects your weight.  I stacked on 10kg very quickly and am slowly losing it again - heaps of exercise and eating much less.  5kg lost already. 

    You can do it! Make yourself and your health and fitness a priority!!



  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Hi Cathy,

    You are so right about the hair colour thing.I"ve had a brown colour plus light streaks put in and  a trim at the back.I felt soooooo much better about myself even though short hair isn't me.When I got home my husband kept looking at me and smiling.I must have looked really crook before! Yes,I have to blow dry the front and spray it a bit but the curls find their way back.I'd like to get to the "bob"stage too.My eyebrows and lashes are on the thin side too but I use mascara and pencil to help.How good are you losing 5kg!! That"s the amount I'd like to lose.I feel more motivated now since fixing my hair.Crazy hey?



  • chemostyle
    chemostyle Member Posts: 150
    edited March 2015

    Hi Tonya,

    This Hair Saga has lots of "progress" reports ... we want to see the new-fabulous short hair you?  How about new TonyaM profile photo. 

    i am a little ahead of you interms of hair grow 18 months later, just finally look a little bob with lots of curls.  (Especially an Asian woman who use to have straight smooth hair .. go figure, chemo also zizzled my hair follicles)  I know what you mean about curls finding their way - have you try "Hair Clay" product from the hair salons?  The work better and last longer, very different to the supermarket stuff.  Or you can go back to the old-fashion hair clips!!    Here are some ideas


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Thanks chemostyle(what's your first name?)some good ideas there.Yes I will get the new improved picture up there soon.
