Chemo Update

Hi girls,
Had my first cycle of TAC yesterday and so far so good. We were there for about 6 hrs as the first treatment can often take longer, plus I am part of a clinical trial so they need to take urine, more bloods and give me an injection of the drug after chemo. vomiting or nausea, so hopefully that was due to the anto emetic they gave me beforehand (and 2 to take at home). I felt a bit tired but I then lay awake from 1.30-5.30am which i am putting down perhaps to the steroids I had to take before and after. Last one to be taken tonight but I have been told to prepare for a downer the next day.
So far, only other side effect has been a bit of flushing to the face and chest and a slight headache. I am doing everything I can to prevent mouth ulcers, they even gave me an icy pole whilst injecting the doxerubicin as this is meant to help reduce the sore mouth. I am gargling with salt water, brushing regularly, and keeping my mouth moist with fluids and lollies. I also had to paint my nails with "hard as nails" as they can become brittle, but the makers of taxotare provided me with a toiletry bag full of things, the nail hardner, sorbolene cream, a thermometer, gloves, toothbrush, mouth gels etc...which I thought was really nice.
I am worried about next week when my immune system will be at its lowest as I am looking to go back to work on Thursday, but I will just see how I feel.
It is still early days so may have other symptoms develop over the coming days, but otherwise feeling good!
Like you Jacqui, I have my wig and headgear so strangely enough I am not too worried about the hairloss..but may feel different when it happens!
Oh yes, and as a result of the lymph node removal, I have now developed "cording" so will speak to the physio about this next week. Anyone else experienced this? I would be interested to know.
Take care all, have a good day
Jenny xx
Hi Jenny, good to hear that so far you have had very little side effects. I too had a few sleepless nights after the steroids. I actually felt good when I was at that low immunity stage but as I work in chilcare I have decided not to work while I am having treatment. I was ok about the hairloss too & had it shaved off the other day. I have a wig & lots of head gear, I think I prefer the head covers more than the wig. Hubby prefers just my bald head! I have my second chemo tomorrow. As yet I haven't experienced any cording in my arm but it does get sore. I hpoe you continue to feel ok.
Best wishes
Loretta xx
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Hi Jenny
I too am feeling okay. Bit tired today - lots of phone calls. Hubby has dinner on table so I will fill you in later. XLeonie
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Angels were looking after you, sending positive thoughts. Glad it went well .
Debbie xxxxxxxxxx
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Thanks girls for your messages. Only other side effect so far is constipation which i have never experienced before. Have taken some lactulose at suggestion of the nurses but still nothing! Will have to try something stronger tomorrow if no joy over night!
I am tired too leonie, and yes, it is lovely to get the phone calls but they do wear you out! Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Take care everyone xx
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Thanks girls for your messages. Only other side effect so far is constipation which i have never experienced before. Have taken some lactulose at suggestion of the nurses but still nothing! Will have to try something stronger tomorrow if no joy over night!
I am tired too leonie, and yes, it is lovely to get the phone calls but they do wear you out! Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Take care everyone xx
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Hi Jen
the first one is always the hardest,,You sound quite chirpy,sorted your head gear and wig, fantastiic,
The steroids are a bit crappy but they are only for a few days... With the constipation side of things,i was recommended Microlax supposirories ,easy and safe to your best to not get the constipation out of control..
Take care and positive vibes coming your way.
jean xxxxxx
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Hi Jen
the first one is always the hardest,,You sound quite chirpy,sorted your head gear and wig, fantastiic,
The steroids are a bit crappy but they are only for a few days... With the constipation side of things,i was recommended Microlax supposirories ,easy and safe to your best to not get the constipation out of control..
Take care and positive vibes coming your way.
jean xxxxxx
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You may need recommendation from your surgeon, as only a few physio's are specialised to treat cording, they are usually linked with lymphodema clinics and I found the lazer treatment helped reduce my recovery from 8 weeks to 4 weeks. It can be very painful and can re-occur at approx 2 mnths after surgery.
The medical term is AWS axillia web syndrome if you want to research further on the internet, but as it is not considered a condition by all physio's thats were their knowledge and skills may be limited.I can recommend a clinic if your in Adelaide.
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Thanks Bardoe, I think my physio in Perth is up to speed on it as we have discussed it previously, but I will find out more when I see her on Tuesday. so far it is only in my armpit but I want to avoid it spreading down my arm.
Regards Jen
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I noted that you had a take home pack from the Taxetare chemo drug company. Me too. You did not mention the freezer mittens. Did you do this protocol that is attached to this chemo? I put on the cotton gloves, then rubber gloves then my hands were inserted to frozen mittens that were so heavy that I couldn't life my hands. They were on for 45 minutes then a new set from the freezer was put on. Bloody hell I never want to get frost bite. The first set was bearable and at the end my hands felt okay. Then it was time for the second "torture treatment" These new freezer mittens were left on for a further 60 minutes - 15 minutes after the chemo had finished. The pain was excruciating but I perservered as I was told it would be very beneficial for the first chemo treatment. When the mittens were taken off the pain was worse than childbirth. My hands were numb, couldn't move my fingers, they were red raw. I went into shock and started crying. Holly hell they hurt but I did recover after warm washers and warm running water was applied. God I hope the treatment works. Mental tip for next time: I won't take the second set of mittens (tip given by another patient). I would be keen to know if you did this same regime and if so how you fared. I feel a bit flat today - coming down from the drugs. The only other real problem I have had is very sore eyes. So I feel quite blessed but I sure am looking forward to being finished with chemo. Look forward to your comments. Big tip for the constipation is to drink water all day. I have found it is easier to drink through a straw. Food today sure doesn't taste the same as yesterday or before chemo but I will still keep on trying to consume it to stay ahead of any problems. Take care hope to hear from you soon. XLeonie
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Hi leonie, you poor thing, no, i didn't have the "mitten" treatment, I've actually never heard of it! I just had to suck an icy pole whilst they delivered one of the drugs!
Well i spoke too soon when I said I didn't feel too bad! The constipation got worse, I tried Lactulose, then they told me to use microlax, that didn't work so then I had to drink some other stuff made up from a sachet and finally that got me moving! But today I feel like I have the flu, I am aching all over, tired, weepy, and yes, like you food tastes different! I ate some dried fruit and it was so salty!! I just keep trying to remind myself that it is "all for a reason" and we have to endure this to get better!
Take care my friend, will write more when I am feeling better xx
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You poor darls,Taxotere is so cruel.I never got the mitten treatment either. maybe it's to prevent your nails from going black and falling off. Mine were ok. Have you got the aching bones and muscles yet?I also got a terrible headache for 4 days which no one told me about.Thinking of you both and hope you come good soon.
luv Tonya xx
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Hi Jenny, my veins didn't cope with chemo and after just one treatment I got cording. As a result I had a Portacath inserted in my chest cavity which is just wonderful. Even though I've finished chemo, I am blood tested regularly so have opted to leave mine in for a while longer as taking blood is difficult and quite traumatic via a vein. I had no idea treatment for cording was available until I read some of the comments above. It's given me some direction to research on the net, so thank you ladies.
I wish you well Jenny and hope your next treatment is kind to you.
Kath x
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Hope you start to feel better soon . Big hugs Debbie xxxxxx
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Hi Leonie
where should i follow up about the mittens? I am starting taxotere next
Do they help with nerve endings which is one side effect I was told about? I also have let my nails grow
they a super long, now that i only work 1 day per week and would like to keep them for as long as possible,