weight gain

I have heard that some women loose weight and other gain weight during the chemo treatment. I have a gastric band and I am worried about how my body will react to the treatment. I am worried about gaining weight and also worried about loosing too much weight as I know my body will need enough strength to fight. My doctor suggested I loosen the band during the treatment period but I am worried about gaining some of the weight that I struggled to loose for the past 3 years.
I will be starting my treatment the week of the 13th January although no date has been set as yet. the drugs they are using on me are Docetaxel and Cyclophosphamide. 4 courses in total.
Does anyone have any advice on this?
Much appreciated
Yes,some do gain weight,and some lose it.I spoke to my doctor about this,as I have always watched my weight,and worried about putting it on.I think you will find that the weight fluctuation is more to do with the fact that while you are going through chemo,you not only feel fatigued,therefore can't exercise (even just walking) as usual,but you also don't always feel like eating the right foods.My oncologist asked me at my first visit if I exercised.I told her that I walked every day,and her reply was,"DONT STOP".I walked every day through treatment,even when I found it hard.I finished my chemo 2 weeks ago,and I haven't put on any weight at all.However,everyone is different,and some people struggle through chemo.I had the same chemo treatment as you are having,so I hope you find it as I did.All the best,and feel free to ask more questions if we can help.xoxo. Robyn0
Hi Katia, I was also concerned about the weight gain and I agree with Robyn about exercise. Its is a must to keep active as possible and even if you dont feel like walking, it does make you feel better if you can manage it. I found the Dex, which is a pre med steroid given before treatment then for a few days after, stimulates appetite. So i struggled against this, but knowing it was this that was making me hungry helped to stay in control. I also was very aware of lowering my carb intake, despite craving that type of food.
I also understand that chemo put me into menopause, and with menopause comes a change in metabolism of food. Basically in menopause its easier to put and keep weight on. I continue to struggle with maintaining a good diet, but cancer treatment and surgery is bad enough without adding the uncomfortable feeling of weight gain into the mix. So this motivates me to stay moving and eat properly, which is good foods, small meals several tmes per day, and 2 litres of water daily.
During chemo try to eat well like you have been, but be kind to yourself. I hope chemo is not to difficult for you, take care XXXLouie