Struggling to survive after Cancer

Kezza_Bezza70 Member Posts: 3
edited June 2013 in Health and wellbeing

After surviving Breast Cancer, having a double mastemony and 6 cycles of Chemotherapy myself and my son are finding it hard to survive financially to the point were we can not afford our eletricity bill and will probably have to leave what little support I have in Townsville (of which I have lived here for over 30 years).  I also have a Mental Illness and an insulin dependant diabetic. We are struggling with basic things and a trip out to lunch and the movies last week has left us almost financially destatute.

I have tried twice to be placed on Disability Support Pension but been knocked back and sick been booted of Parenting Payment onto Newstart we have been in diar financial situation.

Its getting to the point where I feel I dont want to live anymore because all this world seems to be about is hitting the poorest people where it hurts most to make sure we remain the downtrodden in society.

I have beaten death to be placed in this situation.  I have written to the Premier and Energy Minister, there are charity organisation around but we owe close to $3000.

Cancer sux but life sucks more i thought Cancer was the answer to my prayers where I could be reunited with my Mum (also taken by Breast Cancer) my dear Grandad and Nan and my dear friend Sue.  However some strange vestiged of life keeps wanting me to hang on probably for my son but at times I feel he would be better off without the burden of living with someone like me.


  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited March 2015
    Hey KezzaHave you been in contact with Cancer Council.  They may be able to offer you support or put you in contact with someone who can.Good luck luvy.Lots of love, Mich xoxoxo
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    It's enough to have breast cancer and other health problems- you shouldn't have the extra burden of financial ones as well. Sounds like you have been so strong getting through treatments and still caring for your son.Our children keep us wanting to live  when we are at low points.Please don't give up now Kezza.You need some help.Have you got family you could move in with? You may have to move out of Townsville but so be it. It doesn't take long to get used to a new community.Perhaps ring Lifeline for some counselling and info. I hope your tomorrows are a bit brighter. Tonya xx