2013 NOt a good year

hi again , just had another knock to the teeth.
igot diagnosed with Breast Cancer in late January of this year then one week before my chemo was due to start i got terrible news that dear darling Dad was tradically killed in a car accident. One month ago I found out that my position at work had been cut and all the Nurse Managers had to reapply for their jobs 14 into 10 dont go so that caused stress and Im worried about my future there. Now well just 15 mins ago I spoke to my younger sister who is in hospital as we speak. went in Thursday for a fairly routine op and they have found Bowel cancer . dont know how extensive it is or what the treatment will be all up in the air of course.
god i feel for her I know that libo feeling. im so weak today I cant get in there but I rang and spoke to her. ill try tomorrow. i hate this retchid thing Cancer I hate it. Who will it strike next. Why is there so so much of it ? WHY???
Im so praying she doesnt have to go through what I have shes too young and too beautiful
Oh dear dear TerryYou are definitely having one hell of a crap year. I can't believe what is happening in our world right now as there is soooo much sadness everywhere.My heart goes out to you, your sister and your family. You are all doing it very tough right now and it is just not bloody fair.Words are never enough I am sorry. I will keep everything crossed for your sister and I hope you are doing okay. It is a tough road you are travelling my poor luv.Sending you all well wishes.Lots of love, Mich xoxoxo0
Dear Terry, I had a flash back to my 20's when I had all the same type of thoughts about life, how hard it was, how come I seem to have everything go wrong at the same time, and so on... Speaking about my own experience as I am trying to think of the right things to say.... Wow I went through a rough patch and it was that constant run of things going wrong that didnt give me much to look forward to at the time. I was knocked off my feet the first time one of my parents got bad news about their health, and didnt cope very well. I recall lots of crazy nights, lots of alcohol, and a lot of time went by. My answer to the comment about why so much cancer, or why so many things go wrong, is something like this. I came to the conclusion that life basically just happens and it is what I focused on seemed to be more obvious, (what Id said in my 20's to myself was, stop expecting it to go right and then you will be pleasantly surprised when it does!) wow wasnt I a cheer up! I always knew lots of people got sick from lots of different things, and was always grateful I was well. When I got cancer I thought "Oh, its my turn" with no real emotions attached.
I did manage to get myself out of that aweful rutt, and sometimes Id slip back into a negative attitude that sits so nicely next to bad news, but with lots of practise I found I rebounded faster each time. This is of course just my own experience at the time. I always seemed to have a string of events that gave me every good reason to say the "Why me?" I cringe when I think back at the first car accident I had when I was 17, sober as a judge, baby sitting my bosses 2 boys, and rolling the car out-side of town at night. (we were all ok).
When we lose some-one we love, or hear bad news about their health it is such a shock and as said before, words are not always said the right way, or replace what you lose. So in this instance I say to you Terry, we all totally understand your frustrations and feelings you are having, and send our warm wishes and hope that your bad run is over...... Hang in there XX Bel
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I spent most of the day with my sister today and the prognosis is not good. She has an aggressive Carinoma. Its attaching her Uterus to the bowel wall and its a biggy. the plan is chemo ASAP then radio therapy then chemo thats all she knows. She still has her CAT scan on Thursday. Oh dear..i guess we can both fight the battle together. im just glad Dads not here right now He really couldnt cope with this.
anyway thansk for your thoughts guys
its always nice to have this support