50/50 chance of recurrence??

Hi Ladies,
I was diagnosed with grade 3, stage 3 breast cancer in November 2011 with 20 of 42 lymph nodes positive.
I had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation, which I finished in October 2012. I had a mamogram and ultrasound in December, both of which were clear, thank goodness. Anyway, I had a follow up appointment today with my oncologist and I asked her what are the statistics on recurrence for someone of my age (I am 41) and with my type of cancer.
She told me there is a 50% chance of the cancer coming back, due to it being so aggressive and having so many lymph nodes involved.
Just wondering if anyone else has been given these odds?? I'm really trying hard to look at it from the point of view that there is a 50% percent that it WON'T come back, but as you all know, sometimes that is not easy!!!
Would love to hear your thoughts...
Hi Jo I was diagnosed in october 2011 stage 3 grade 3.6 lymph nodes positive Her 2 positive.Like you chemo radiation herceptin and recently had my overies removed as it was er positive.I am 42 now on an aromison inhibitor,struggling with menopause pain and body image,just to name a few of my issues.
I to was told the chances of recurrance is high.But my oncologist also said they have hit me hard with everything they can.Sounds like they did to you also.This gives us a good chance of it not returning.
Its always in the back of my mind that it will return.But with regular checkups and reporting any changes we are worried about and being monitered closely.I believe if it was to return they should find it early,thus giving a better chance of beating it.fingers crossed.
Its a scarey statistic but i dont like to dwell on that.anyway i hope this was a little bit of help.annie xx