"Nanny Nap"

Good morning ladies .... I have just woken up after an 11-hour nanny nap ..... how I love getting up at 5am every morning for 4 days and not going to bed till after midnight !!!!
Attending "Strength to Strength" was one of the best experiences I have had. I met so many wonderful ladies, as well as renewing friendships made personally, here on line and on facebook. The f/b social media is often criticised but it's a great way for us to have daily contact with each other.
Thank you BCNA for giving us all the privelege of listening to and being entertained by the speakers at the conference. In a couple of days I'll go back through my notes and really appreciate the knowledge that has been shared with us.
The "Gala Event" was quite simply one "Hell of a Party" .... which ended far too early (LoL) but considering that we had a full day on Friday perhaps it was just a well !!! No doubt photos will be popping up all over the place and we can either cringe or laugh with each other.
Gathering 600+ ladies from every state in Aust should have been a logistical nightmare but the BCNA/Arinex combination made it look so easy. Congratulations to all involved.
All I can say is ......
Luv to all ...... Shirl x0x
I will also say ditto to Shirl's comments. I have just arrived home and thought that I had "debriefed" whilst still in Sydney relaxing. No way. One thing I did do was "offload" all the wonderful information to my Psychologist daughter on Saturday morning whilst the main points were still "floating in my head". (this was necessary so that the info could be again passed on to appropriate sources) I too will visit my notes and slide pics and put together the information so that I can again "deliver" it to the appropriate arenas. SOOOOO tired but can't "let go" yet. Thank you again BCNA - you are my lifeline. XLeonie
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What level of focus was there on seconday breast cancer?
I find most speakers or information I have received from forums was directed at primary breast cancer.
I didnt go as I wasnt expecting much of the info to be aimed at advanced breast cancer.
I would like to think I was wrong?