RH negative blood and breast cancer

Hi, how many of you out there with cancer have either RH negative blood, taken the pill or received Rhogam (antiD) shots when pregnant (before a cancer diagnisis)?
I have been reading a lot lately about blood types, and mainly about RH negative. I am RH- A type, and when I had my daughter 6 years ago I received Rhogam (antiD) injections because the father is RH+, to prevent my body developing antibodies killing the fetus. Rhogam is a blood based product that surpresses the immune system from attacking RH+ blood cells. The pill has also been said to have made from RH+ blood, which causes a RH- woman to be in a constant state of inflammation, which allows cancer to grow.
I also been taking the pill for 20 years before getting pregnant. I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, 4.5 years after giving birth (and receiving Rhogam)
Rhogam has also been linked to Rhumatoid Arthritis. My mum had the shots in the sixties/ seventies and now has RA (and cysts in her breast but not cancer). I started to have early symptoms of RA developing for me as well. I'm 45 yo
Yes and yes and yes, I am A- RH NEGATIVE i took the pill for several years and I had the Rhogam injections for 2 pregancies. But you cannot change your blood type, but I do have family history of BC, One day IM sure we will find out Why? Im sure they learn from all of us my Oncoligist spent 1 hour asking me every question from blood type t0 when my period started to if my placentas were intact. Im sure there will be a link one day
regards Adean
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I didn't know about the blood type thing in relation to cancer but I had heard about the Pill. I was on the pill for over 30 years - firstly for contraception, then mainly to regulate my periods. I thought it was a god-send cause it helped control the pain of my periods but now I'm wondering if it was such a good thing??
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At least your oncologist asked some questions and it will be put to good use for research. But it makes you wonder..... 50 years of cancer research with advanced technologies and billions of dollars thrown to it hadn't come up with any real advance let alone a cure. Mine never asked anything like that, and when I asked any I got not one satisfactory answer, other than well, your a female that's why you got cancer...0