Lumpectomy didn't work - now what?



  • cheezelbug
    cheezelbug Member Posts: 15
    @Julez1958 - no kids - told you I'm a wuss!
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
  • cheezelbug
    cheezelbug Member Posts: 15
    Thanks, @iserbrown - trawled Cancer Australia quite extensively when initially diagnosed - it’s a great resource to get an idea of what to expect when you’re not sure what’s going on in the early days (I was told by my GP that I had breast cancer but it was a week until I saw a specialist so was trying to get information from a reliable source rather than Dr Google)
  • Abbydog
    Abbydog Member Posts: 531
    Dear  cheezelbug,
    Do you know, if you still do not need R/T? I only ask, because if that is now on the table, it can change reconstruction options. I'm unable to answer as a small breasted person. But I did find out amongst the PS photos, if one breast is reconstructed or done differently. There can be asymmetry occurring with weight gain or loss. I say this only so that you can ask appropriate questions. I had wanted DIEP and I would have had a double, because this op can only be done once. Unfortunately for me, on CT scan my abdominal blood vessels were not suitable. So that choice was taken from me. I started with having had a single Mastectomy. Having said all of this I am very happy with my Reconstruction,  which included a Prophylactic Mastectomy to my other side. I have same size implants in each breast. My breasts feel good, but not like my old ones. I do miss my nipples for intimacy reasons. But I'm alive, and I have reduced my risk of recurrence. My life is moving forward. I hope all of our opinions help. At least you will have thought it through. All the best.
  • PrisMay1
    PrisMay1 Member Posts: 90
    @cheezelbug I’m nearly 4 weeks post a DIEP and it’s a big operation!  I practised yoga prior and the relaxation helped me with my anxiety about the whole thing! I also had a few weeks to prepare which helped.  As I went private I had a definite date 4 weeks out and that helped to know when it was going to be. It’s a lot to go through and we are stronger than we think! At some point you just give yourself over to the medical team and you get through it!  They do take good care of you and ensure you are comfortable as you can be - follow their advice and take the drugs offered!!  
  • cheezelbug
    cheezelbug Member Posts: 15
    @Abbydog - thank you for sharing your experience and how you’re feeling about it now. I’ve been told that I won’t need radiation (assuming that’s R/T?) or chemo so for now all options are still on the table for me. I had the CT scan yesterday so will find out at next PS visit if it’s still the case.  The symmetry is on my list of considerations, together with the nipple on my ‘good’ breast if I go the double.

    @PrisMay1 - congratulations - I’m in awe of your bravery. Last time I tried meditation the instructor stomped past me at the end of the class as my trance was possibly a bit too deep (hopefully I didn’t snore!) - good tip to consider a refresher, though.

    Thank you everyone for your kindness in sharing to help me grapple with this decision xox
  • PrisMay1
    PrisMay1 Member Posts: 90
    @cheezelbug or maybe a different instructor!!  I find community classes quite friendly and non-judgmental! You just want to get a hang of the breathing techniques