Cancer and Pregnant

I was first diagnosed with breaast cancer 2 months before I was to be married in February 2011. I had a lumpectomy and no further treatment by my choice as I went a natural alternitive.
Whe I went for my 18 month check up in August 2012 my surgeon wasn't happy with the site where the inital core biopsy was taken (which had been rasied since the testing) and she performed another biopsy which came back showing that the cancer had returned. This time I was 11 weeks pregnant after trying to concieve for a few years. The doctor told me that the best option was to terminate the pregnancy so we could do further tests and treatment.
I wasn't happy with this option so I got a couple of opinions which all basically said the same thing but if I was to choose not to terminate the best thing would be to have a mastectomy then have chemo after that while pregnant.
I had a mastectomy last week and am doing great. They removed all of my lymph nodes as well and we are waiting on the results to see if it has spread.
It looks as though I will have to have chemo (even though I REALLY don't want to) but I do have to think about being around for my husband, step daughter and new baby.
I am now 16 weeks pregnant and it looks as though baby is doing great. This whole process was very hard the first time and this time is proving to be even harder yet as there is limited things we can do due to the pregnancy but after trying for so long I wasn't ready to give up on my baby. But I am still worried about my life and those around me.
Welcome and sorry to hear that you have breast cancer. And doubly sorry that you have this while pregnant.
Great to hear that your mastectomy went well last week and that you are feeling good.
I contracted BC back in March 2012, I had a lumpectomy and had 20/20 lymph nodes removed, to which all were cancerous. I have just finished chemo, had 3 FEC and 9 Taxol. I am now waiting to start radiation on 25 September. I have 30 sessions.
It must be very hard to comprehend that you have BC and also pregnant. But good on you for taking the steps to have a mastectomy and keep your baby.
Great to also hear that baby is doing great. But you must remember to have treatment what is needed to make you better, so you can be around for all the loved ones around you. You want to see both your step daughter and new baby grow up. And also grow old with your husband.
When I was diagnosed, i would have done anything that was required to stay alive. If I needed to have a mastectomy I would have. Please try not to worry, the doctors, specialists and nurses are there to help you with the treatment plan. Just ask lots of questions.
Life is too precious. Hope all goes well and please keep us posted.
Luv and hugs Julie XX
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Thanks so much Julie. It's such a scary time. I want to do eveything I can for my baby but don't want to jeopardize my life.
It looks like the next step is chemo and they are ok with doing it while pregnant. I'm petrified of chemo but it has to be done.
Thanks again for your thoughts. :-)0 -
Hi Luaren
No worries you are so welcome XX. You got to do what you got to do, as they say...
Chemo really isnt that bad. You just need to understand that you will have side effects. But in the scheme of everything, it really truly is bearable.
You just have to focus , that, you are doing it to make you better and to have a lovely wonderful life ahead.
Just remember, we are all here to help you through this. And so are all your doctors etc. They are fantastic, they are there for you every step of the way.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel.....
Love and hugs Julie XX
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Hi Luaren
No worries you are so welcome XX. You got to do what you got to do, as they say...
Chemo really isnt that bad. You just need to understand that you will have side effects. But in the scheme of everything, it really truly is bearable.
You just have to focus , that, you are doing it to make you better and to have a lovely wonderful life ahead.
Just remember, we are all here to help you through this. And so are all your doctors etc. They are fantastic, they are there for you every step of the way.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel.....
Love and hugs Julie XX
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Oh Lauren, you poor girl. As if the whole breast cancer thing isn't enough to deal with, being pregnant at the same time - what a stressful situation to be in! My heart goes out to you.
I guess if the doctors are telling you that chemo is okay when you're pregnant then it must be. But I can certainly understand your reservations. I think what I would ask the doctors if I was in your situation is whether you could postpone the chemo another 16 weeks, have the baby delivered early at 32 weeks and then have your chemo. I suppose there would be risks for you in postponing the treatment and for the baby in being delivered early. But in doing that you could avoid exposing the baby to the chemo. I don't have any medical expertise so I don't know whether that would be possible or advisable but I guess you could ask.
Good luck Lauren. It's a tough situation you're in. I hope it all works out for you and that you have a gorgeous healthy baby and a long and healthy life. Thinking of you. Janet.
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Hi I think it is a person from this group I am part of a couple so hope I am remembering correctly that has been undergoing chemo whilst pregnant this year, so you may be able to join and post the question and have someone to talk to that is going through it the same as you hope it helps
cheers Narelle
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Hi I think it is a person from this group I am part of a couple so hope I am remembering correctly that has been undergoing chemo whilst pregnant this year, so you may be able to join and post the question and have someone to talk to that is going through it the same as you hope it helps
cheers Narelle
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Hi. & yes Narelle is right. There is a girl in my facebook support group for young women pregnant and did surgery and chemo. she even managed to work all thru it too... she is truely amazing as are you, as are we all... you are welcome to follow that link and ask to join our group. its a private group on FB so ur contacts cant see it, only other members. I hope this helps you. Her name is Sarah-Jane and she's actually in hospital right now giving birth, so we are all very excited!