Diagnosis and breastfeeding

CarlyJR Member Posts: 4
Hi all,
I am very early in my journey. I'm 36 (regional Victoria) and currently breastfeeding my 4MO. After I noticed an indentation, I had a GP appointment the following day, ultrasound and mammogram then an appointment with a breast surgeon, I've been told I have breast cancer - all in the space of a week. I'm awaiting my biopsy results (which I will get on Tuesday) and expect to have an MRI this week also.
Due to me breastfeeding, I will have to go on lactation suppressants and hope that our little boy can transition to bottles/formula okay.

Whilst I am so grateful everything is moving so quickly, my head is also spinning!
Does anyone have experience with suppressing lactation and what I could expect?
And, recommendations for questions for my surgeon?
Or any other advice? 
Many thanks in advance xx


  • Rowey
    Rowey Member Posts: 38
    Hi @CarlyJR
    So sorry to see you joining our club, especially under the circumstances of having a new baby and having to give up breast feeding and all of the worry and emotion that goes with that.

    Do you have access to a Breast Care Nurse? They can be enormously helpful with questions such as yours. There are many in regional areas and you don’t need a referral. Your local hospital or doctor should be able to steer you in that direction.

    As far as questions for the surgeon, perhaps just wait till you have all of the information, then these will become more apparent. If you think of any now, write them down. This time is such a whirlwind that it’s hard to keep everything in your head. If possible, can you take a partner or support person to your appointment? This is also a good idea.
    There are many knowledgeable people on this forum so I’m sure you will get some good advice. Just take one step at a time and try not to get too far ahead.

    Very best wishes
  • CarlyJR
    CarlyJR Member Posts: 4
    Thanks @Rowey
    My MCHN mentioned they could link me in, she is following up with me this week, so I'll ask her about this.
    Thank you for your advice, my hubby/mum can attend appts with me (whilst juggling care of my 2yo and baby). 
  • Fufan
    Fufan Member Posts: 123
    Dear CarlyjR
    Sorry to see you joining our club, but you will get lots of help and support here.  
    Your situation is complicated by the need to wean your son.  Hopefully that will go well: I was forced through illness to wean my first at about the same age, and he took to the bottle very easily. 
    There’s a lot going on, and Rowey's advice to write everything down is very sound, from my experience. 
    You are lucky to have the support of your family. You can do this: you are probably stronger than you know.
    Best wishes
  • Abbydog
    Abbydog Member Posts: 531
    I'm terribly sorry, that this is happening.
    If, you have a Breast Care nurse, I'm sure she could advise.
    I never had one. You said you are from a regional area, you may not have one.
    Whoever is giving you the results, tomorrow, may have advise.
    There used to be drugs for suppressing milk, but I'm not sure what current medical advice is on that.
    Probably a firm bra, preferably without wires. Panadol as needed. Reduce feeding/stimulation to the breasts. There is a sub-group here for young women, who may have more/better advice.
    Are you sure it is beast cancer without knowing the biopsy results?.
    Good luck tomorrow. Write down questions as has been suggested. 
    Your mind can go blank under stress. A second pair of ears is great too.