Where's that noise coming from?

Did a little jog/ walk to the fridge and heard the strangest noise.... sounds like a jiggly water bottle???...
Wriggled myself and... wait.... Its coming from MY body!! *@*!!!
Was thinking WHAT NOW haha!!!
And its under my armpit!!! another little surprise! Been entertaining everyone with this.... they dont find it as amusing as me obviously... realise its just fluid.. but when does it go??
Thanks Tonya!! Will meet up with the breast care nurse on Thursday... so will tell her then!
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Hi Lani
Yes you will probably have to get it drained if it is sloshing around. My 78 yr old neighbour had double mastectomy and then had to go back and get messy surgery fixed up again and she ended up with a lot of fluid each time and had to travel 70klms a week for quite a few weeks to get it drained.
It isn't painful because they go in to area of scars which is numb.
Hope that helps and you get help and manage to get it sorted soon. All these lil things along the way to test us, keep on trucking kiddo, keep that chin up.
Mich xoxoxo