Help with decision on breast reconstruction
Wonderful that you have found lots of solid info. Had so many questions re choices but didnt want to drown you with too much at once. Your bra mishaps had me nodding . Altho I had rebuild op at same time as mastectomy , 2 different people worked on me , one side each and there was enough variation (Not a big issue) in their results for me to need a bit of padding one side to hide oddities until it can be adjusted ( damn covid elective delays) . So lots of pinning, sewing, fiddling, fears of embarrassing wardrobe malfunction while bouncing around at tennis! Anyway, All the best to you.0
Yes, I bet there are many people on this forum who have funny stories too, re the whole saga.......... along with the sadness. I went over the handle bars of my pushbike about a month after my surgery. No damage, but my husband nearly cried.....because he had pumped the tyres up for me.
I am a bit of a chicken when it comes to surgical procedures, so that is another reason I have opted to go with the DIEP Flap option. I couldn't imagine going back for three or four more surgeries, so I think people who do, are extremely brave. I know that sadly some don't get a choice. I am 65 this month, so went through all this cancer stuff with just a husband to worry about. I only cried when I had to tell him I had breast cancer, and when the breast was removed. Otherwise I have had an easy journey so far. I worked from home for a month immediately after my surgeries, with no pressure to return to work.. I am in awe of the people here who are young, and have families to cope with, work to cope with, chemo to cope with,. radiation to cope with etc; I just want to hug you all. Mary x