Kathy Young

SHe needs to taalk to someone to give her support in this matter.
Thanks again for your support
Reg Young
Hi Reg,
We are all here for her. Kathy can write a blog on this site and we will help her through this. We are all in the same position. The other thing she can do is speak with her breast care nurse and find her some councelling. There are lots of councellors etc available that specialise in this field.
What a wonderful husband you are to reach out for you and her. This website is definately where you guys should be.
We are also here for you too. Anytime you want to ask questions or just let off some steam, blog away:)
Tania x
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Hi Reg,
We are all here for her. Kathy can write a blog on this site and we will help her through this. We are all in the same position. The other thing she can do is speak with her breast care nurse and find her some councelling. There are lots of councellors etc available that specialise in this field.
What a wonderful husband you are to reach out for you and her. This website is definately where you guys should be.
We are also here for you too. Anytime you want to ask questions or just let off some steam, blog away:)
Tania x
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Welcome Reg and Kathy
I am fairly new to this site also and have found it to be an invaluable resource and form of support. The girls are fabulous and incredibly strong and brave and Kathy you will see you will soon be just like them.
I would also recommend finding a breast care nurse. I have spoken to several over my diagnosis process but found one at Breast Cancer Care WA to be a fabulous support with a wealth of information that she posted to me immediately, including the wonderful zonta cushions to help after a lumpectomy or mastectomy.
Whenever I am feeling down as I have good days and bad I always hop on this site sometimes just reading other stories and other times putting my bit in. Either way I always feel better at the end. Like I am not alone and that there is always someone else out there doing it tougher.
I have found once a treatment plan is in place and has commenced you tend to feel better and more proactive as something is being done.
All the best for test results
Lara xx
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Welcome Reg and Kathy
I am fairly new to this site also and have found it to be an invaluable resource and form of support. The girls are fabulous and incredibly strong and brave and Kathy you will see you will soon be just like them.
I would also recommend finding a breast care nurse. I have spoken to several over my diagnosis process but found one at Breast Cancer Care WA to be a fabulous support with a wealth of information that she posted to me immediately, including the wonderful zonta cushions to help after a lumpectomy or mastectomy.
Whenever I am feeling down as I have good days and bad I always hop on this site sometimes just reading other stories and other times putting my bit in. Either way I always feel better at the end. Like I am not alone and that there is always someone else out there doing it tougher.
I have found once a treatment plan is in place and has commenced you tend to feel better and more proactive as something is being done.
All the best for test results
Lara xx
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Hi Reg and Kathy
You have come to the right place. Here, we welcome both yourself and Kathy.
I was only diagnosed in March with BC and had 20 lymph nodes removed all with cancer and going thru chemo at the moment. Just let Kathy know, it's not a scary as it seems. U need to ask lots of questions and also it is great if you are also there to just listen to what the oncologist & nurses say. As there is lots to take in, and having another set of ears really helps.
It all sounds scary, but you do find that inner self to get thru. You have sooooo much support from your oncologist, nurses and this website. As beautiful Tania67 has said there are counsellors she can also speak to.
But have kathy jump on this website and blog away, we are always here ready to listen.
Sending you both big hugs Julie XX
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Thank you very much for your support, I do feel a lot better now. Before the Doctor gave me the resultsof my operation I was petrified and could not stop crying as I was scared that I would not be able to carry onwith mmy normal life but your blog gave me back my confidence. I will be having radiation therapy for 5 weeks 1/2 hour session and tablets after that for 5 years. I am determined to overcome my fear and I am so lucky to have a husband like Reg.
Regards Kathy XXX0 -
Hi Kathy
Welcome to the site:) Anytime you need to, we are here. The waiting is definately hard to get through. Now you have a plan, you wont feel so in the dark with everything. Hang in there.
Tania xx
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Good on you Kathy so glad to hear you have a plan. We are all stronger than we first believe and are even stronger for having endured this. Reg is obviously lucky to have you too otherwise he wouldn't be trying to hang on to you so hard
Take care and good luck with your treatment.
Lara x
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Dear Kathy,
you are so lucky to have a caring and supportive husband. I only wish I had been so lucky. We all learn to cope with what life deals us . This Network is great for those who have been diagnosed recently. Many of us are here to help. Sometimes a hospital or community group helps. I found more help from a group of ladies who were doing post breast cancer exercises. Most of us had all our lymph nodes removed. Some like me with radiation to several places including the axilla.
There is so much supprt out there with BCNA & their pink kits when in hopsital, regular forums, this site; also the McGrath Breast Care nurses which started after my diagnosis 6 years ago now. research by most Unis & research facilities resulting in better treatment options & screening.
No matter what you age you are not alone. If you could indicate your age, & location I am sure there may be people near you to help if you wish.
6 years cancer free after high grade tripple positive cancer. Still on Arimidex and wearing a garment for my lymphoedema.
Let us know how radiation is going - 5 weeks is less than many of us have.
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Hi Julie
In answer to your blog yes as far as I know I only have Radio therapy 5 days a week for 5 weeks. This will not be for 6 weeksto let my wounds heal. After therapy I will have tablets for 5 years. I will be having a meeting with my oncologist in 3 weeks time so will keep you posted.
Love Kathy XXX
Hi Carol
Yes I am very lucky to have a supportive husband, it was Reg who got me into your site and it has really helped me to cope. I know I only 3 lympth nodes removed and the specialist did say I was lucky to catch it so early and that I did not require chemo but only radio therapy for 5 days a week for 5 weeks and after that tablets for 5 years, as I am 72years old I make it for the next 5 years. It will be 6 weeks before my radio therapy start as my wounds have to heal first.
Will keep you informed.
Love Kathy XXX0