Seeking a medical oncologist

Jennikens Member Posts: 7
edited January 2019 in Health and wellbeing
I am 11 years down the track from my BC diagnosis and looking for a recommendation for a good oncologist in Adelaide or surrounds. I believe the one I went to for Chemo treatment dished out the right concoctions including anti nausea medication which got me through with no dramas. However, I found him to be totally unapproachable, talked fast and in medical lingo I couldn’t understand and as far as  complimtary treatment - forget it!
Back in 2009 I went to a BCNA forum and heard a fantastic Oncologist speak - I thought to myself- I wish this lady had been my oncologist!  10 years later I have tracked her down but only to find that she is not consulting in this field anymore. Such a pity as she was really in tune with the whole body, exercise, mindfulness - not just the chemicals.
I was wondering if anyone can recommend an oncologist that they have found to be easy to understand, compassionate, interested in all things in balance, etc, etc. I am at a crossroads and have to make a decision about continuing on with hormone therapy medication or stopping. 
Best of luck to everyone - at whatever stage they are at


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    edited January 2019
  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    I have sent you a private message@Jennikens

  • Jennikens
    Jennikens Member Posts: 7
    Thanks wendy55 - it is appreciated.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @jennikens I go to Tony Michele at Adelaide Oncology & Haematology, Calvary North Adelaide.  There are a number of oncs at the practice and I have heard good things about many of them.  However, I can recommend Tony - he's fairly reserved and considered in his manner but friendly with it, never makes you feel rushed, and is on board with thing like exercise, sexual health, mental well-being, etc.  I have also never walked away from an appointment with him feeling as if I have been shut down or dismissed.  
  • smokie08
    smokie08 Member Posts: 157
    Hi @jennikens I  saw Dr Rohi Joshi i think he has rooms at the calvery central districts  for private patients I saw him as a public patient . He was very good  and made me  feel at ease and was understanding. He also made me laugh which was good  as somtimes I was a bit of a mess. Hope it helps take care  x
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392

    This lady I met in my nurses training and she was a registrar in oncology back then in the old RAH. This  was over 20 years ago. She was a smart, approachable young woman then and I can only imagine that she had gained even more in this time. 
  • Jennikens
    Jennikens Member Posts: 7
    Thanks so much primek, I see she consults at the Tennyson Centre which is near where I work. I’ll certainly do some more follow up on Dr. Bampton.
  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    Hi @smokie8, nice to hear you are a patient of Dr.Joshis as well, he is my oncologist, in fact he rang me this morning to confirm something for me, I have been his patient for 5 and a half years and many more to come!

  • smokie08
    smokie08 Member Posts: 157
    Hi @wendy55 I was a patient of his he discharged me after I finished chemo  as triple negative and only under the care of the breast surgeon now. I do miss him but in a good way he is such a nice man and always made me feel at ease. The breast and endocrine clinic always has me on edge  but when I went to see Dr Joshi  I did not feel half as nervous . Take care and have a good weekend x